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VMS 8.2 on IA4 Hard links 是做什麼用的


VMS 8.2 on IA4 Hard links 是做什麼用的


請問Hard links 是做什麼用的

Do you want to initialize with ODS-2 or ODS-5? (2/5/?) 5

Hard links can be enabled on ODS-5 disks. (? for more information)

Do you want to enable hard links? (Yes/No/?)
1則回覆 1

VMS 8.2 on IA4 Hard links 是做什麼用的

建議您選擇 ENABLE the hard link for ODS-5 disks.

-Hard link is exactly the same thing as the hardlink in unix file system.

-If you choose not to enable hardlink then when you create file with "$ set file/enter=.." command, the traditional Alias is created .

-If you enabled hard link on an ODS-5 disk, "$ set file/enter=.." will also increment the "link count" field of the file header(similar to i-node in unix).

(You can view file header of a file with "$dump/header/block=end=0 file-name")

-The main differences between hard links and aliases are in the effect of a delete operation and the charge of disk quota.

For more on the differences between hard links and aliases , please read sec.4.10.3 of