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Automatic Power-On settings in iLO and RBSU

Patrick (UK)
Occasional Advisor

Automatic Power-On settings in iLO and RBSU

The ROM-Based Setup Utility (RBSU) has an Automatic Power-On option (under Server Availability), which is Enabled by default.

Meanwhile, iLO's Virtual Power page has an Automatically Power On Server option, which is set to No by default.

Since the two values are different, it would appear that they refer to separate options (rather than simply being different ways of accessing the same underlying setting).

Can anybody provide a clear explanation of the difference between these two options?
Tom Ridges

Re: Automatic Power-On settings in iLO and RBSU


My understanding of this is that it is two ways of doing the same thing. There are more!With these settings, they can be configured via RSBU, ILO or cmd line.

I personally configure all mine via ilo to remove the need for restarting servers.

In your case, I would expect the server to start after power is applied automatically as it has been set in one place.

I would test this is the case though.

Patrick (UK)
Occasional Advisor

Re: Automatic Power-On settings in iLO and RBSU


Many thanks for replying. Perhaps I need to clarify my question a little.

In some cases, the same underlying setting can be accessed by different means (RBSU, iLO, command line etc). A good example would be the Power Regulator options. For example, if you set it through iLO, you'll see the new setting in the RBSU as well because they're just different ways of accessing the same settings.

However, the Automatic Power-On options (see my original message) are puzzling because you see two different values through the RBSU and iLO, suggesting that they are independent settings, even though they sound as though they do the same thing.

Can anybody explain this?
