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V1910 link aggregation performance

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V1910 link aggregation performance

I have a V1910-48G switch with two dynamic Bridges-Aggregation interfaces connected to two Dell servers. Both BAGGs have two Ethernet ports, and are connected to Broadcom Teams in the Dell servers (all ports are 1000M full duplex). The member port states in the switch are all "Selected", the Basp state in the servers are all "Active" and the team link is reported as 2 Gbps, just as it should be. Everything looks like it is setup correctly and like it should be running correctly.


However, when I do a speed test i.e. copying a large file from one server to the other, the speed I'm getting (approx. 70MB/s) is the same with or without the link aggregation - I only appear to be getting 1Gb instead of 2Gb. The link aggregation doesn't appear to be working.


Am I doing something wrong? Does the switch itself have an internal speed limit?


Any help appreciated.





P.S. This thread has been moved from ProCurve / ProVision-Based to Web and Unmanaged. -HP Forum Moderator