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Re: How to reclaim my old user?

Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: How to reclaim my old user?

>if you please merge these two profiles


I don't think it is possible to merge profiles.

sekar sundaram
Honored Contributor

Re: How to reclaim my old user?

>> I don't think it is possible to merge profiles.

by merge, i meant, the old inventsekar profile's number of posts and kudoes should be added to my present sekar sundaram profile.

i thought that is what happened in this request from this user...

Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: How to reclaim my old user?

>by merge, I meant, the old inventsekar profile's number of posts and kudos should be added to my present sekar sundaram profile.


Yes, that's what "merge" means to me too but it isn't available.

The only "merge" that was done was between the BCS and ITRC forums, if you set things up properly.


>I thought that is what happened in this request from this user.


No, this user didn't want the new IDs, just to use the old.  The two new ones had 8 + 2 posts.

The old had 448.

And I'm not sure if James solved it by himself?

Respected Contributor

Re: How to reclaim my old user?

Dennis is correct. The only time when it is possible to merge two accounts on our platform is during a migration. And as the pre-migration posts on the ITRC stated, the accounts to be merged had to have the same email address. The migration engine compared all of the email addresses and merged those accounts sharing identical addresses. This took care of people who had, for example, lost their credentials and could not recover them for one reason or another. Once the migrations were completed, we do not have the ability to merge accounts. 


In the case where a member has two accounts and can access both (i.e., they are tied to different HP Passport accounts), it's best to simply choose one and use it, and let the other one rest. Since we can't merge them, there is little else we can do. If on the other hand, only one account is available (tied to a Passport  account), it is possible to transfer the association with the Passport account to the currently unavailable Community account. This is something Kevin_Paul or I have to do, and we have done this for a significant number of members.


Occasional Advisor

Re: How to reclaim my old user?

Apparently, it UNsolved itself for me. Now I am a visitor again.

James Leatherman
Esteemed Contributor

Re: How to reclaim my old user?

Ah, but wait! I log out and log back in, and voila!


Occasional Visitor

Re: How to reclaim my old user?

Talk about a mess!!


The board has changed since my last visit on 2/15/13 @1:39pm. 

1st I couldn't log in with my name & password so created new pw, couldn't do that either, said that name was already taken! So changed name also. Then when I thought I'd found the right place to post, got told that either name or pw was incorrect!! So had to go another route: forgot name & finally got recognized. What the heck is going on here?! 


I'm about to go buy a different brand of All-In-One just so I don't have to put up with this c#%*. 

I do not like this change, sure didn't have these problems with old board.


By the way, this whole process has robbed me of precious time that was needed else where.

Occasional Advisor

Re: How to reclaim my old user?

Jesus Christ, AGAIN???

Occasional Advisor

Re: How to reclaim my old user?

This should not be this difficult.

My real user is

This duplicate user is

How about we delete my duplicate user?