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Heat Generated

Occasional Contributor

Heat Generated

I have couple of HP netserver LC 2000 and LH 3000 servers in my computer room, The temperature in my computer room has raised from 20 degrees from 25 degrees due to additional server equipment installed recently, We are planning to install additional Aircondition in the server room, but my management want to know the amount of heat generated by each server. Is there a way I can find out how much heat each server genarates.

Please help.
Thank you
Arun Aroza
Marcin Golembski_1
Honored Contributor

Re: Heat Generated

LC2000 - 1843 BTUs per hour
LH3000 - 2641 BTUs per hour

In general, find out what is the maximum input power consumption of a server (in Watts) and multiply that value by 3.413 to calculate the maximum heat generation in BTUs (British thermal units) per hour.

1 BTU equals approx. 252 calories or 1055 joules.
