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Re: adding a new device

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Super Advisor

adding a new device

I want to know if I add some device to my server like a new hdd or an external tape drive,it will automatically detect or not?If not what is to be done
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: adding a new device

An "ioscan" will detect such devices. If the driver is already loaded, you need to install the device file and you are ready to go.

Otherwise you need to include the driver, e.g. stape for tapes (use "kcmodule stape=static" for this).

Hope this helps!

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Super Advisor

Re: adding a new device

"If the driver is already loaded, you need to install the device file and you are ready to go."
You mean creating device files with insf or mksf command.right?But if I reboot the sever I think it will automatically get created.

"Otherwise you need to include the driver, e.g. stape for tapes (use "kcmodule stape=static" for this)."
Can you please make that clear??
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: adding a new device

If a device class like tape was not present during install, the driver is not loaded. Even a reboot will not change this.

You see UNKNOWN in ioscan.

So you need to include the driver now.

Hope this helps!

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those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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Super Advisor

Re: adding a new device

"If the driver is already loaded, you need to install the device file and you are ready to go."
But how to install the device files?
Gangadhar Kenguva
New Member

Re: adding a new device

use insf to install the device files for new devices.
Super Advisor

Re: adding a new device

can you pls give the syntax??
melvyn burnard
Honored Contributor

Re: adding a new device

man insf
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R.K. #
Honored Contributor

Re: adding a new device

# insf -eC disk # for disk
# insf -eC tape # for tape

e --> Reinstall the special files for pseudo-drivers and existing devices. This is useful for restoring special files if one or more have been removed.

C --> Match devices that belong to a given device class.

To install special files for all devices:
# insf -e
Don't fix what ain't broke
Super Advisor

Re: adding a new device

Otherwise you need to include the driver, e.g. stape for tapes (use "kcmodule stape=static" for this)."
You were telling that,if the driver is not there then we have to do the following?I think it is kerenel reconfiguration?right?