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Can I use network printer script with lpadmin command?

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Marcia Ferreira

Can I use network printer script with lpadmin command?

Hi guys

I have to create a list of network printers, but I don´t want to create by Jetadmin. Can I use lpadmin ? And what is the command line ?

best regards

Marcia Ferrei
Marcia Ferreira
A. Clay Stephenson
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Can I use network printer script with lpadmin command?

You don't even need lpadmin. Use the addqueue command; it's very easy to use. Man addqueue for details. You should also scrape JetAdmin and replaced it with the newer and supported JetDirect software. There is a command transderqueue that will automatically update all your existing JetAdmin interface files to use the newer JetDirect equivalents.
If it ain't broke, I can fix that.
Marcia Ferreira

Re: Can I use network printer script with lpadmin command?

Hi A. Clay

I didn´t know this command. I´ll try this.


Marcia Ferr
Marcia Ferreira
Bill Hassell
Honored Contributor

Re: Can I use network printer script with lpadmin command?

There is a man page for addqueue (and removequeue, etc). But the simplest is:

/opt/hpnpl/bin/addqueue -h -q myprinter

(if you are using the obsolete version of JetAdmin software, everything is the same except /opt/hpnpl would be /opt/hpnp. The -h option accepots either hostname or IP address but often the corporate DNS doesn't get updated with the printer names very quickly so I use the IP address. Note that if you use the IP addresds, you'll have to delete and add the printer back again if the IP address changes.

Bill Hassell, sysadmin