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Re: cluster query

Super Advisor

cluster query

MC/SG cluster 11.17

I am getting below error while executing cluster commands

root@UAEDXBPD /paradmin>cmgetconf
Permission denied to
cmgetconf: Unable to get local cluster configuration information: No such file or directory.
Either cluster is not configured, or the user doesn't
have access to get the cluster configuration.
root@UAEDXBPD /paradmin>cmviewcl
Permission denied to
cmviewcl: Cannot view the cluster configuration: No such file or directory.
Either this node is not configured in a cluster, user doesn't have
access to view the cluster configuration, or there is some obstacle
to viewing the configuration. Check the syslog file for more information.
For a list of possible causes, see the Serviceguard manual for cmviewcl.
root@UAEDXBPD /paradmin>

Note : Actually issue started after i issued command cmgetconf -c /tmp/out.Prior to this commands were working file and i got output for cmgetconf.

After entering command cmgetconf -c /tmp/out, hostname got changed to only 8 letters. Before i was around 16 letters.


Honored Contributor

Re: cluster query

>>After entering command cmgetconf -c /tmp/out, hostname got changed to only 8 letters

i wonder hows that possible ..
please check the node name as given by "uname -a" & is it matching with the cluster.conf.ascii file & entries in /etc/hosts

node names / hostname is different

>>Permission denied to
>>Either cluster is not configured,

please check you are root user & in /etc/nsswitch.conf

the hosts entry are as as
hosts: files dns

try inetd -c

let me know if this helps.
HP-UX been always lovable - Mani Kalra
Super Advisor

Re: cluster query

Hi Manix,

Thanks for the response.

I changed the hostname back using sam and edited netconf file.And i changed hostname from command line using hostname command.Now issue resolved.cmviewcl working.But really i have no idea how hostname got changed.

Trusted Contributor

Re: cluster query

Hostname length can be set with MAXHOSTNAMELEN as defined in . However, the node name, returned by uname, is not allowed to exceed 8 characters. The resulting confusion can wreak havoc on your system. It's far simpler to keep system names to 8 or fewer characters.
Honored Contributor

Re: cluster query

have you configures the cluster nodes with
hostnames in "cluster.conf.ascii" file
i believe there are node names ( yes never
exceeds the limits)

It`s possible some application did it or user.

Any error or log in "syslog.log" .it would be
good to trace it.

HP-UX been always lovable - Mani Kalra
Trusted Contributor

Re: cluster query

I do recommend to change hostname to less than 8 and do the needful in the serviceguard side, actually this is a long process needs downtime as you need to rebuild the cluster in this case.
Ismail Azad
Esteemed Contributor

Re: cluster query


Remember nodename and hostname are two different things and HP recommends that hostname and nodename be one and the same. For network configurations, hostname is used and for cluster configuration "nodenames" are used.

Just a thought.. Enabling long hostnames or UIDs might create a problem at times as the "long feature" might not be supported on the dependent subsystems and that is why at times sticking to the standard mode at times can be an advantage.

Ismail Azad
Read, read and read... Then read again until you read "between the lines".....
Honored Contributor

Re: cluster query

yes !! that makes lots of sense use "node names" for cluster configurations & generally
node names & host names are kept as same.

But if cluster is running with node names i believe host names can be changed on a fly
without cluster breakdown ,but need to check with what names applications are binded to.
HP-UX been always lovable - Mani Kalra
Rita C Workman
Honored Contributor

Re: cluster query

Fix your hostname and nodename as folks as mentioned, to no more than 8 characters.

As for chaning the hostname, after cluster is up...
It is not just a matter of what you can do. It is guaranteeing that the cluster is up and running and can be modified in the future as needed. It looks like this is what himacs has run into. Somebody changed the hostname and now he wants to do something with the cluster, and can't.

Always keep things simple. Alway keep things uniform. Then things will always keep working.

Kindest regards,
Honored Contributor

Re: cluster query

Thanks Rita !!

so you mean to say that it`s not a good idea to
do "hosstnames" changes on fly even when cluster.conf has "node names " not the host name because of application & networking requirements.

HP-UX been always lovable - Mani Kalra