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Re: CPU Utilized


CPU Utilized



How can i know the percentage of CPU utilized by such process or by user, for example the percentage for all the root user process.



Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: CPU Utilization

top will give the percentage for each process.  For a user, you would have to add them up.

Super Advisor

Re: CPU Utilized



ok, but I want to know the percentage of specific process on total CPU number, not on one CPU.


"For a user, you would have to add them up."  do you mean


# top root     =========> but i don't see any output related to root user






Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: CPU Utilization

>I want to know the percentage of specific process on total CPU number, not on one CPU.


Then you just divide by the total number of CPUs.

>top root  => but I don't see any output related to root user


You would need to add up all of the processes owned by root.  Using ps(1) may be easier:

UNIX95=EXTENDED_PS ps -u root -opid= -ouser= -opcpu= -ocomm=


Super Advisor

Re: CPU Utilized



thanks for your suppor, but What is the third line ?


# UNIX95=EXTENDED_PS ps -u elink -opid= -ouser= -opcpu= -ocomm=

12616 elink     0.34 perl_node
25954 elink     0.14 c_node
13969 elink     0.16 perl_node
 9544 elink     0.77 perl_node
22468 elink     0.14 perl_node
 8677 elink     0.19 c_node
16422 elink     0.38 perl_node
16835 elink     0.75 c_node
16046 elink     0.19 perl_node
22348 elink     0.25 perl_node
 8389 elink     0.24 perl_node
22446 elink     0.21 perl_node
12928 elink     0.50 perl_node
 7742 elink     0.33 perl_node
16539 elink     0.19 perl_node
11091 elink     0.42 perl_node
12487 elink     0.51 c_node
10736 elink     0.78 perl_node
24487 elink     0.37 perl_node
  441 elink     1.96 perl_node
25203 elink     0.21 perl_node


< Then you just divide by the total number of CPUs > can you give me example



Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: CPU Utilization

>What is the third line?
> UNIX95=EXTENDED_PS ps -u elink -opid= -ouser= -opcpu= -ocomm=


The third column is the percentage CPU time.


>Then you just divide by the total number of CPUs. Can you give me example:


UNIX95=EXTENDED_PS ps -u elink -opid= -ouser= -opcpu= -ocomm= |

   awk -v cpus=$NUM -v user=elink '


cpu_percentage += $3


END { print "Total machine usage for", user ":", cpu_percentage / cpus; }'


Where $NUM is the number of CPUs on your machine.

Super Advisor

Re: CPU Utilized



thanks for your support, but i have the last quetions


how to get sar output of CPU utlization for 1 day and save it to file.




Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: CPU Utilization

>how to get sar output of CPU utilization for 1 day and save it to file.


Take a look at sar(1m), sadc(1m), sa1(1m) and sa2(1m).

Frequent Advisor

Re: CPU Utilized

you can use following hpux utilities to get CPU Utilized.

1. top

2. sar

3. glance


Basant Sharma
Valued Contributor

Re: CPU Utilized



How about this?


UNIX95= ps -e -o "pcpu args" |sort -r | head -20


sample output


# UNIX95= ps -e -o "pcpu args" |sort -r | head -20
 1.27 vxfsd
 0.37 /opt/OV/bin/ovcd
 0.32 /opt/wbem/lbin/cimprovagt 17 15 HPUXIOTreeIndicationProviderModule
 0.23 /opt/hpservices/jre/opt/java1.4/jre/bin/IA64N/java -Xmx512m -DRunnerValuePairFile=/var/opt/runner/data/valuePairs -cp /opt/runn
 0.20 vxsvc -r /opt/VRTSob/config/Registry -e
 0.20 /opt/wbem/lbin/cimprovagt 13 11 SFMProviderModule
 0.20 /opt/OV/lbin/eaagt/opcmsga
 0.18 /opt/OV/lbin/conf/ovconfd



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