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Re: GOLDQPK11i installation

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GOLDQPK11i installation

I have just installed HP-UX B 11.23 on an rp4440 machine to run Oracle 10g R2. The health check/Validation tool gives out the message below:

Rule 200: Got OS Bundles?
This rule verifies if all required OS bundles are installed.
Test Result
11.23 NotChecked =~ GOLDQPK11iFound|GOLDAPPS11iandGOLDBASE11iAdequate|Bundle11iFound
For HP-UX 11i, please install GOLDQPK11i, December 2004 or later or both GOLDAPPS11i and GOLDBASE11i, December 2004 or later. My installation CD is HP-UX 11i Version2 June 2007 . I am wondering whether there is a GOLDQPK11i bundle for my installation. Please find attached a swlist bundle lisintg.

Thanks for the help.
James R. Ferguson
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: GOLDQPK11i installation


You have the June 2007 QPK installed. That's the most recent standard patch bundle. Oracle does a poor job of patch bundle verification.


Bob E Campbell
Honored Contributor

Re: GOLDQPK11i installation

To be precise, I believe that Oracle looks for the bundle wrappers, and does not check for the patches themselves.

I would recommend using the Software Assistant tool to build a depot:

# swa report

# swa get -t /myDepot

The report will also list a number of "manual actions" needed to conform to the current security bulletins.

If your system is not running the September 2004 (or later) OEs, you will need to take special steps to update. Look for the BUNDLE11i wrapper as a quick check.

SWA is available from https://www.hp.com/go/swa
Regular Advisor

Re: GOLDQPK11i installation
