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Re: How to get new hpux version 11.23 bundle for ignite client

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Frank de Vries
Respected Contributor

How to get new hpux version 11.23 bundle for ignite client

We have an Ignite server hpux 11.11 which runs ignite.

We try to add a new server as client, but this new server is hpux 11.23

after a quick look we discover that hpux 11.23 bundle is not there ? How can I get it there ?

[root@vwbsrv2:]/var/opt/ignite/depots/recovery_cmds<>>> ll
total 78
dr-x------ 2 root sys 96 Nov 22 2001 IUX-Recovery
dr-x------ 12 root sys 1024 Nov 22 2001 Ignite-UX
dr-x------ 2 root sys 96 Nov 22 2001 Ignite-UX-10-20
dr-x------ 2 root sys 96 Nov 22 2001 Ignite-UX-11-00
dr-x------ 2 root sys 96 Nov 22 2001 Ignite-UX-11-11
dr-x------ 8 root sys 1024 Nov 22 2001 catalog
-rw-r--r-- 1 root sys 37124 Feb 9 2006 swagent.log

Look before you leap
Honored Contributor

Re: How to get new hpux version 11.23 bundle for ignite client

It would be best if you don't have any 11.00 or 10.20 left, that you update your ignite server version.

You can download it from here:


Windows?, no thanks
Asif Sharif
Honored Contributor

Re: How to get new hpux version 11.23 bundle for ignite client


Download Ignite-UX latest version C.7.7.98 from below mentioned site,


Asif Sharif
Asif Sharif
Steven E. Protter
Exalted Contributor

Re: How to get new hpux version 11.23 bundle for ignite client


http://software.hp.com, new version of Ignite.

From the Core OS for 11.23 there is an Ignite agent that should be installable to an 11.23 system, or get the same product from a recent 11.11 Core OS DVD.

You will also need to swcopy the Core OS DVD from 11.23 media to do 11.23 Golden images on this server.

Steven E Protter
Owner of ISN Corporation
Sponsor: http://hpux.ws
Twitter: http://twitter.com/hpuxlinux
Founder http://newdatacloud.com
Frank de Vries
Respected Contributor

Re: How to get new hpux version 11.23 bundle for ignite client

Shalom Steve,

What is an golden image / or what do you
mean by an golden image ?
Look before you leap
sujit kumar singh
Honored Contributor

Re: How to get new hpux version 11.23 bundle for ignite client

Hello Frank,

A golden Image is an Image of a System which we use to clone a lot many number of clients during installations in which we have to do for a very big number of servers with identical or similar Hardware, same Ptach Level, Same OS versiona nad release.

What we do is that Install the OS into one of the servers, Patch this desiredly to the reqd patch level, tune kErnel parameters on the same and do other customisations like customised patches and softwares if any.
That is we make one Template of the Installed system.

Then we take the Image of this server on an Ignite server and configure this in a way that we can use this Template as to install N number of clients which will come to have to the Same Version ane release of OS, smae patch level, same customised softwares and patches.

This removes the labour while deplyoing Large NO of Servers that are Hardware and Software wise Similar. So that that we might be putting in to install each Servers OS na patch them again, Tune Kernel on all of them, do the Customised Software and configuratin on all of them

Frank de Vries
Respected Contributor

Re: How to get new hpux version 11.23 bundle for ignite client

I downloaded the stuff and added it ..
Look before you leap