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Re: HPUX 11.x Driver status in kernel

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Mel Burslan
Honored Contributor

HPUX 11.x Driver status in kernel

When you run sam and go to Kernel then go to Drivers, it scans the kernel and present you with the drivers and their status in the kernel.
I would like to do the same without using sam, i.e., from command line. I tried to examine the sam log, but it was too convoluted with recursive and successive uses of cryptic utilities like awk, which I am neither an expert nor a big fan of. So, not surprisingly, I could not make much sense out of this attempt.
Can anyone tell me commands that I can use to generate the same kind of output, not necessarily word by word or in a sam style, nice format, but in a raw format, where I can make sense of it, i.e, what the driver name is, and what are the in/out status of these drivers.
Any help is appreciated and points awarded promptly.
UNIX because I majored in cryptology...
Sandip Ghosh
Honored Contributor

Re: HPUX 11.x Driver status in kernel

All the Kernel Drivers are recorded in /stand/system file. What ever the driver are in "in" status you will get in this file. If you want to enter some other driver you have to edit the system file and then you have to generate the kernel.

Please let us know if you want to generate the kernel or no, then we will provide details of that.

Good Luck

Good Luck!!!
Emiel van Grinsven
Valued Contributor

Re: HPUX 11.x Driver status in kernel


see man create_sysfile

it will help you a bit in the right direction.

Grtz, Emiel
James R. Ferguson
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: HPUX 11.x Driver status in kernel


For 11.x use:

# kmsystem


John Carr_2
Honored Contributor

Re: HPUX 11.x Driver status in kernel

Hi the /stand/system file should give you the info but there is no guranatee this matches the kernel. Someone may have edited it since the last hernel build.

To extract the details from the kernel you need to do

/usr/lbin/sysadm/system_prep -s system

now you will have a valid file to look at

S.K. Chan
Honored Contributor

Re: HPUX 11.x Driver status in kernel

I usually do this out if a particular driver is in the running kernel ..
eg: to find out if vxadv is in the kernelor not.

# /usr/lbin/sysadm/get_sysfile /stand/vmunix|grep vxadv