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Instruction Address (pcsq.pcoq)

Pedro Orellana C.
Occasional Contributor

Instruction Address (pcsq.pcoq)

Hi, i have hp-ux 11.11 v1 with 2 Fc tachyon and when i install EMC PowerPath 4.2 the maquine don´t start she was panic...

Memory Information:
physical page size = 4096 bytes, logical page size = 4096 bytes
Physical: 4192256 Kbytes, lockable: 3150004 Kbytes, available: 3629500 Kbytes

Trap Type 15 (Data page fault):
Instruction Address (pcsq.pcoq) = 0x0.0x64c598
Instruction (iir) = 0x42d90030 (load/store)
Target Address (isr.ior) = 0x0.0x0000000000000018
Base Register (gr22) = 0x0000000000000000
Savestate Ptr (ssp) = 0xa297c00.0x400003ffffff2d98
Savestate Return Pointer (ss_rp) = 0x00000000006500a0

System Panic:

linkstamp: Mon Aug 9 13:34:55 SAT 2004
_release_version: @(#) $Revision: vmunix: vw: -proj selectors: CUPI80_BL2000_1108 -c 'Vw for CUPI80_BL2000_1108 build' -- cupi80_bl2000_1108 'CUPI80_BL2000_1108' Wed Nov 8 19:24:56 PST 2000 $
panic: Data page fault

I did install last patches for Tachyon, Sam, Bunbled patch and patch PHKL_31003 for error Trap Type 15 (Data page fault): and this error was go out.
Dave Olker

Re: Instruction Address (pcsq.pcoq)

Hi Pedro,

Is your system still panicing or did the patches resolve the panic? If it is still panicing then I would like to see the full stack trace of the process causing the panic from the crash dump.

If you are not familiar with this procedure, one way to get the trace would be to cd into the crash dump directory and run Q4:

# cd /var/adm/crash/crash.#
# q4 .
q4> trace -v event 0

The stack trace of the panicing process may give clues as to what the problem is and if a patch is available to address it.


I work for HPE

[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]
Accept or Kudo
Bill Hassell
Honored Contributor

Re: Instruction Address (pcsq.pcoq)

If you haven't been to an internals training course for HP-UX, the stacj trace and q4 output will not mean very much. You'll need to get HP to help decode the crash dump. The error (data page fault) indicates that swome part of the kernel made a mistake in setting up an address for data. If your machine was running OK before installing EMC PowerPath, you may need to restore your system using your Ignite/UX backup tape. Then install your patches again but not the EMC product. Test to make sure all is well and if so, contact EMC for an updated version of their product.

Bill Hassell, sysadmin
Pedro Orellana C.
Occasional Contributor

Re: Instruction Address (pcsq.pcoq)

Thank for all... i installed a new version of PowerPath, i had 4.2 and i installed powerpath 4.3 and my problem was go home.
The installation was correct and system panic did not happen.

Thank to all...