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Re: Looking for an Eric Roseme WhitePaper (CIFSUnifiedLoginV2)

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Meir Dukhan
Occasional Advisor

Looking for an Eric Roseme WhitePaper (CIFSUnifiedLoginV2)

From http://forums13.itrc.hp.com/service/forums/questionanswer.do?threadId=1312879

There is an Eric Rosems's whitepaper mentioned I cannot found since HP seems to have revamped his documentation site: http://docs.hp.com/en/16322/CIFSUnifiedLoginV2.pdf

Could one point me to the right URL, or better to send it as answer to this thread ?

Thanks a lot,

-- Meir

Pete Randall
Outstanding Contributor

Re: Looking for an Eric Roseme WhitePaper (CIFSUnifiedLoginV2)


Sorry to say that document apparently is one of millions lost in the shuffle when the geniuses (genii?) at HP decided to move the contents of docs.hp.com to the BSC. It used to live at http://docs.hp.com/en/16322/CIFSUnifiedLoginV2.pdf , but that no longer works. I posted a thread on this topic of lost documents a few weeks ago. http://forums13.itrc.hp.com/service/forums/questionanswer.do?threadId=1451355 There were some suggestions in there that might help you, but I kind of doubt you're going to be able to find it. Try screaming at your HP rep.


Todd Stewart_1
Occasional Advisor

Re: Looking for an Eric Roseme WhitePaper (CIFSUnifiedLoginV2)

Honored Contributor

Re: Looking for an Eric Roseme WhitePaper (CIFSUnifiedLoginV2)

Wow.. so HP-UX continues to OEM Sharity's CIFS Client product.

FWIW, to those who are suffering issues with CIFS CLient mounting Windows 2008 CLuster File Services shares - there is a WIndows 2008 Patch that addresses the issue. Your Windows Admin should know about this.
Hakuna Matata.
Meir Dukhan
Occasional Advisor

Re: Looking for an Eric Roseme WhitePaper (CIFSUnifiedLoginV2)


Thanks a lot, i got it.

- Meir
Meir Dukhan
Occasional Advisor

Re: Looking for an Eric Roseme WhitePaper (CIFSUnifiedLoginV2)


Thank for your help.

-- Meir
Steven E. Protter
Exalted Contributor

Re: Looking for an Eric Roseme WhitePaper (CIFSUnifiedLoginV2)

Hey Meir,

Nice to see you. Interesting to see you guys are still working on this issue.

This doc still exists.


Download it to a hard disk.

Steven E Protter
Owner of ISN Corporation
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Meir Dukhan
Occasional Advisor

Re: Looking for an Eric Roseme WhitePaper (CIFSUnifiedLoginV2)

Thanks Steven, it seems to be an old version. Todd already pointed to the newest document.

See you later ;-)

-- Meir
New Member

Re: Looking for an Eric Roseme WhitePaper (CIFSUnifiedLoginV2)

Any hope of still finding this document?  I need HP-UX & Windows 2008 R2 AD Integration.


Dave Olker

Re: Looking for an Eric Roseme WhitePaper (CIFSUnifiedLoginV2)

@John_1095 wrote:

Any hope of still finding this document?  I need HP-UX & Windows 2008 R2 AD Integration.


Refer to the earlier post in the thread:



Try this url


should be the last doc on the page




That link is still valid and the last doc on the page is the current version of the white paper.



I work for HPE

[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]
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