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Re: LVM Corrupt VGRA ?

Frank Worner
Occasional Contributor

LVM Corrupt VGRA ?

When doing any LVM activity on a particular VG, we get the message 'VGRA Appears Corrupted'. However, all LVM activity appears to work OK.

What is generating the message, what precisely does it mean and what can be done about it ?

Many thanks

James R. Ferguson
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: LVM Corrupt VGRA ?


What OS version are you running? Are your LVM patches current? Is this volume group an "old timer" that was built on earlier OS versions?

Frank Worner
Occasional Contributor

Re: LVM Corrupt VGRA ?


Thanks for the quick reply .....

It is HPUX10.20, with Dart release 45 level of patches.

The machine is in an HA (MCSG) environment, attached to an AutoRaid 12H. We can export the VG OK from the primary node, but can not import it onto the standby node. All the disks look presnt and correct and the AutoRaid seems quite happy.

sung-hoon chang

Re: LVM Corrupt VGRA ?

Hello Frank

The root cause of this problem is negative timestamp on the VG. By any cause, the VG have the negative timestamp and then the message came from there.

But in almost case, this problem have not impact for work.

The latest LVM patch can fix this problem. But in rare case, the patch can not fix this problem.

If you already have the latest LVM patch, I recommand to try following step
1) You need another disk in same spec.
2) Attached the another disk on the server.
3) Make another VG on the new disk but the
new VG need to have same LVM spec with
the problem VG (don't need data restore).
4) And then execute vgcfgbackup on the new
5) Execute vgexport the problem VG.
6) Execute vgcfgrestore to the problem VG
with the new lvmconf file.
7) Try vgimport the problem VG

NOTE : Backup is first !!!

Frank Worner
Occasional Contributor

Re: LVM Corrupt VGRA ?

Just for completeness, should anyone else have this problem - it was fixed by a patch from HP, and then using the vgcfgrestore utility.