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Re: managing superdomes/integrity srvrs

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managing superdomes/integrity srvrs

i wondered if there is any tool available to monitor and may be manage the superdomes and integrtiy servers like we have ILO for managing the blade enclosure etc.
can hp-sim help with that?

Re: managing superdomes/integrity srvrs

Absolutely... the approach is broadly similar to that with Proliants & blades. You can still use SIM, and 11iv2 and higher has System Managment Homepage. All Integrity servers have ILO cards too (usually called an MP in UNIX-land).

Go here for more:




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Re: managing superdomes/integrity srvrs

Starting the System Management HomePage server ...

httpd: bad group name hpsmh
ERROR: The System Management HomePage server could not be started successfully.

httpd: bad group name hpsmh
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Re: managing superdomes/integrity srvrs

I assume you are an experienced system administrator. If one of your users provides you a short information like you did, would this be enough for to solve any problem?

Hope this helps!

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