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Re: Memory usage is very high


Memory usage is very high

Hi All,

Am facing critical performance problem on a rp8420 server,

This server is running HPUX11i and informix database,

The server is having 24GB physical memory and 45GB Swap memory(Able to use only 32GB swap memory) , Because need to change Kernel paramters,

Still the physical memory and swap meomory usage is around 100% always, From kmem output i can see most of the physical memory and swap memory is using "oninit" process,

Am attaching kmeminfo command and swapinfo cammnd out put with this message,

Can anubody can guide me to verify is it related to OS memory leak or any application memory leak,

Thanks in advance,

Honored Contributor

Re: Memory usage is very high

oninit are informix processes?? Right??
Whay there are so many of them?? Can you control bring it down to a reasonable number?? Also how buffer cache has been set?? Dynamic or Static?? If dynamic, what are your settings. (default dynamic buffer cahe is max 50 %. Which is a very bad setup.)

Also run following and post.

UNIX95= ps -ef -o vsz,pid,ppid,ruser,args|sort -nkrk1|head -20

This will give top 20 processes memory usage wise.
There is no substitute to HARDWORK
Frequent Advisor

Re: Memory usage is very high

It's obviously an informix caused performance lack, there're too many informix processes, each one keep a large amount of memory.
I think you have to check if any parameter in informix can be optimized, and if so many database processes really necessary?

Re: Memory usage is very high

Hi Rac,

Thanks for your fast replay,
Buffer cache setting is 5 only,
dbc_max_pct 5 - 5
dbc_min_pct 5 - 5

and oninit processes are informix process only,

I tried to run the command your given, But i think there is some usage error on the sort side, It not executing,

Honored Contributor

Re: Memory usage is very high

Use RAC's command as,

UNIX95= ps -ef -o vsz,pid,ppid,ruser,args|sort -nrk1 | head -20

Easy to suggest when don't know about the problem!
Honored Contributor

Re: Memory usage is very high

check this link

It's kind of fun to do the impossible

Re: Memory usage is very high

Hi Rac,
Please find the output,
33656 1854 1 root /opt/perf/bin/midaemon
23584 1890 1 root /opt/prm/bin/prm3d
19456 1889 1 root /opt/perf/bin/scopeux
13440 2434 2428 root /usr/lbin/cmcld -j
13228 9566 7169 informix oninit -s
13228 9545 7169 informix oninit -s
13228 9520 7169 informix oninit -s
13228 9509 7169 informix oninit -s
13228 9486 7169 informix oninit -s
13228 9464 7169 informix oninit -s
13228 9440 7169 informix oninit -s
13228 9420 7169 informix oninit -s
13228 9395 7169 informix oninit -s
13228 9374 7169 informix oninit -s
13228 9199 7169 informix oninit -s
13228 9181 7169 informix oninit -s
13228 9163 7169 informix oninit -s
13228 9139 7169 informix oninit -s
13228 9118 7169 informix oninit -s
13228 9098 7169 informix oninit -s
Honored Contributor

Re: Memory usage is very high

The memory usage that you get with UNIX95 will not match with what you see in glance.

glance -g

Which processes are using most of the memory?? Also glance -m, Is user memory maximum compared to kernel memory??

Again, is there setting/configuration in informix with which you can control no. of informix processes??
There is no substitute to HARDWORK

Re: Memory usage is very high

Hi Rac,

System memory is 2.4GB and user memory is


Oninit process memory usage is showing high

in glance also,


Honored Contributor

Re: Memory usage is very high

All looks fine except that there are too many user processes causing you a problem. Unless you keep tab on it, you can not do anything.
There is no substitute to HARDWORK