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Process showing High CPU

Adam Stahl
Frequent Advisor

Process showing High CPU


I am trying to find out of one of my processes is indeed consuming most of the CPU in my box. I have attached the output of top and the process "stcregd.exe" appears to be consuming a lot of CPU time, but I am not totally sure how %WCPU and %CPU is calculated. I've read the man pages, but that doesnt really make it clear to me. Even the way top displays memory is confusing to me. I am much more familier with linux. Can someone tell me if process "stcregd.exe" is really consuming a lot of CPU. And if so, what can I do about it?
Juan M Leon
Trusted Contributor

Re: Process showing High CPU


If you have lsof or tusc, this tools will help you to find what is causing this process to have a high cpu utilization
lsof -p 1727

Remember this process is holding 1 cpu, you have another 3 cpus more running.

Hope it helps.
Adam Stahl
Frequent Advisor

Re: Process showing High CPU


Neither of those tools are installed. I do see that the process is holding 1 cpu, but it does change which cpu. For instance it may use cpu 1 for a while, then use cpu 3, and so on. Right now all 4 of my cpu's are at 0.0% IDLE, which is bad.
Juan M Leon
Trusted Contributor

Re: Process showing High CPU

You can get lsof for free from : http://hpux.cs.utah.edu/hppd/cgi-bin/search?package=on&description=on&term=lsof and the installation does not require reboot.

The only dependency to install lsof is make http://hpux.cs.utah.edu/hppd/hpux/Gnu/make-3.81/ this software does not require a reboot.

lsof will definatelly help you to find out what is the problem.

good luck
Adam Stahl
Frequent Advisor

Re: Process showing High CPU

I've attached the output of vmstat. It is showing a high number of system calls (sy) and a high CPU context switch rate (cs). Also I'm wondering if the server has enough memory?
Juan M Leon
Trusted Contributor

Re: Process showing High CPU

can you do swapinfo -tam
Adam Stahl
Frequent Advisor

Re: Process showing High CPU

I've attached the output of swapinfo -tam. I also put the output of "lsof -p 1727" in the attached file.
Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Process showing High CPU

It would be helpful to use ps(1) to get the hierarchical output:
$ UNIX95= ps -Hfu egate

You seem to have related PIDs taking up time.
Adam Stahl
Frequent Advisor

Re: Process showing High CPU

# ps -Hfu egate
ps: illegal option -- H
usage: ps [-edaflP] [-u ulist] [-g glist] [-p plist] [-t tlist] [-R prmgroup]

Andrew Merritt_2
Honored Contributor

Re: Process showing High CPU

You need to try it as it was given, with the 'UNIX95= ' on the front.
