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Re: Simple Shell Script problem

Marcus Antonius
Occasional Contributor

Simple Shell Script problem

I am trying to read a file that has two columns of data in it. The data is related horizontally.

I need to build a command using the values from each columns. For example:
My file looks like this:

Data1 Data2
Data3 Data4
Data5 Data6

I need to create a command that looks like this:

Dosomething Data1,Data2

My problem is my script simply reads the whol column and attempts to put it all on the command line.

Any help will be appreciated.

James R. Ferguson
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Simple Shell Script problem

Hi Marcus:

This is one option:

# cat ./reformat
while read X Y Z
echo "somecommand ${X},${Y}"
done < inputfile

# cat ./inputfile
Data1 Data2
Data3 Data4
Data5 Data6

# ./reformat
somecommand Data1,Data2
somecommand Data3,Data4
somecommand Data5,Data6


Marcus Antonius
Occasional Contributor

Re: Simple Shell Script problem


Thanks for the quick response! Your solution has got me almost there. I left a small detail out of my original post.

I need two things:

1. The data columns in the file are reversed for the command I am trying to build for example:
I the file the data is arranged as below:
Data1 Data2
Data3 Data4
etc . . .

However my command requires the data be arranged with column 2's data first and then column 1. For example:

somecommand Data2,Data1
somecommand Data4,Data3
somecommand Data6,Data5 etc. . .

Also the final command requires some quotation marks for example: somecommand "Data2","Data1" etc . . .



James R. Ferguson
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Simple Shell Script problem

Hi Marcus:

OK, according to your new requirements, simply do:

# cat ./reformat
while read X Y Z
echo "somecommand \"${Y}\",\"${X}\""
done < inputfile

...which produces:

somecommand "Data2","Data1"
somecommand "Data4","Data3"
somecommand "Data6","Data5"


Marcus Antonius
Occasional Contributor

Re: Simple Shell Script problem

That worked!

Many Thanks!

Trusted Contributor

Re: Simple Shell Script problem

if you like awk

awk '{print "Dosomething", $1, "," $2}' yourfile