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Re: subject: Errors with Hp Patches,PHNE_13413, PHNE_24821, PHNE_24822

Occasional Contributor

subject: Errors with Hp Patches,PHNE_13413, PHNE_24821, PHNE_24822

I work for the Army National Guard in
VA. I control and handle all patches
for HP UNIX system here and in other
states. We recently downloaded a patch
in reference to Doc ID# HPSBUX0110-172
(Systems running telnetd may permit
unauthorized remote access). One of the
states informs me of having problems
with these patches.

This is in regards to the Hp Patches,
PHNE_13413, PHNE_24821, and
PHNE_24822. These patches were loaded
on the HP and them big time problems
while trying to bring up the system.
When trying to start the Software
Distributor agent daemon the system
hung up. We could not get pass this
service. Have you had anyone report
problems with this Patch? When they I
loaded the patch, they did not receive
any errors. They had to
restore /etc, /usr, and /sbin to get
their system back up. Then it all
worked fine. We need some help with
this patch.
Nate #12
Patrick Wallek
Honored Contributor

Re: subject: Errors with Hp Patches,PHNE_13413, PHNE_24821, PHNE_24822

PHNE_13413 - HP-UX 10.20 telnet kernel cumulative patch -

PHNE_24821 - HP-UX 10.20 telnet cumulative patch -

PHNE_24822 - HP-UX 10.20 - ktelnetd cumulative patch

Those seem like fairly normal patches. The only dependencies are for the last two, but they just depend on the first one, so there shouldn't be a problem there.

When you say the system hung while start the SD agent daemon, how did you determine that it hung? How long did it sit at that prompt?

Were there any network problems at the time? DNS, or other name lookup problems, can cause issues with the particular daemon starting. It will eventually come up, but it sometimes takes a while (minutes).

I would now be somewhat concerned about the state of the system, particularly regarding the IPD (installed product database, located in /var/adm/sw) and how it relates to files in /etc/, /sbin and /usr. The system probably things that those 3 patches are still installed, even though some of the requisite executables may be a different version since those 3 directories were restored.

It's usually not necessarily a good idea to restore part of the directories in VG00.