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Re: Uninstall Perl V4.0

Robert Szymanski
New Member

Uninstall Perl V4.0

I am preparing to upgrade my HP-UX 10.20 server from Perl4 to Perl 5.6. I would like to know if I need to uninstall the old version of simply rename it to something else. Also, Are there some step by step instructions on how to perform the upgrade?
Patrick Wallek
Honored Contributor

Re: Uninstall Perl V4.0

The way I did my Perl upgrade:

1) Download the new version. You can get it in a precompiled depot file from http://hpux.cs.utah.edu/hppd/hpux/Languages/perl-5.6.0/

2) Invoke swinstall and point it to where ever you download the perl depot file

3) After the install I did the following:

a) mv /usr/contrib/bin/perl /usr/contrib/bin/perl.old
b) ln -s /opt/perl5/bin/perl /usr/contrib/bin/perl

And you are done.

Step 3 will make sure that whenever you invoke perl you are using perl 5.6.0 instead of perl 4
Robert Szymanski
New Member

Re: Uninstall Perl V4.0

Thank You Patrick!

Works as advertised. :-)
