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Re: weird situation met at booting OS - /etc/services gone!

stephen peng
Valued Contributor

weird situation met at booting OS - /etc/services gone!

dear all,
I've got a problem. HP-UX 11.11, before, it failed when installing some patches and some libraries property were modify, like /usr/lib/dld.sl, and later I modified them to original(777 to 555), and then when i reboot the os, it could not get right. after I try to boot it to run level 3, I found /etc/services' size was 0, so i copy /usr/newconfig/etc/services to replace the old file and reboot, more problems came. I got following messages:
/sbin/rc1.d/S093vxvm-reconfig[47]: /etc/vx/lib/vxcommon: not found
/sbin/rc2.d/S620xfs[10]: env: not found
/sbin/rc2.d/S620xfs[10]: grep: not found
interpreter "/bin/sh" not found
file link resolves to "/usr/bin/sh"
/sbin/rc[14]: /sbin/rc2.d/S890ServCtlMgr: not found
interpreter "/bin/sh" not found
file link resolves to "/usr/bin/sh"
/sbin/rc[14]: /sbin/rc2.d/S996vradmind: not found
interpreter "/bin/sh" not found
file link resolves to "/usr/bin/sh"
/sbin/rc[14]: /sbin/rc2.d/S996vxrsyncd: not found
/sbin/rc[14]: /sbin/rc3.d/S99prngd.rc: not found
then I boot the single user, mount /usr, and replace the null /etc/services again, and init 3, it was good! I tried to reboot again, the same problem appear!
It seemed that I had to boot to single user mode then mount /usr, and replace the null /etc/service to make it well.
what could this situation be? I don't think it was a must step to mount /usr at single user mode. was system library messed up? please offer me some hints.
If you need more detail, just give your words.

thanks a lot
stephen peng
Valued Contributor

Re: weird situation met at booting OS - /etc/services gone!

those "no found" messages appeared after bcheckrc and
/sbin/auto_parms: DHCP access is disabled (see /etc/auto_parms.log)
stephen peng
Valued Contributor

Re: weird situation met at booting OS - /etc/services gone!

And I found no strange modification at /sbin/init.d
chris huys_4
Honored Contributor

Re: weird situation met at booting OS - /etc/services gone!

Hi Stephen,

> I've got a problem. HP-UX 11.11, before,
> it failed when installing some patches
> and some libraries property were modify,
> like /usr/lib/dld.sl, and later I
> modified them to original(777 to 555),
> and then when i reboot the os, it could
> not get

Probably, the recovery action done, didnt solve all problems.

Go through the /var/adm/sw/swagent.log, check what went wrong, when installing the patches, see if what sort of state the installed patches are now (#swlist -l fileset -a state) and work out a action plan from there..

Or just log a call with HP Support...


Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: weird situation met at booting OS - /etc/services gone!

It may be time to get out your ignite backup.
stephen peng
Valued Contributor

Re: weird situation met at booting OS - /etc/services gone!

one sad thing, no tape for this server, then, no ignite backup for it.
Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: weird situation met at booting OS - /etc/services gone!

>no tape for this server, then, no ignite backup for it.

You can make ignite network backups.