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Occasional Contributor


Hi all,

I'll to ask somethings:
1. When I startup my laptop, I do not see any sentence like that Press ...to accessc Bios. My OS is Winxp Home edition (I used Toshiba Recovery CD to instal).

2. How can I connect 02 computer by using COM port? I need female COM cable (both point)?. Any software?

3.What is mean of Error "110 connection timed out" when I browser Internet? I can makeit longer?

Thanks and best regards.
Ronald Postma
Honored Contributor

Re: somethings

HI Truong,
OK point by point.

1. Most change it is F10 to enter setup, what is your laptop model?

2. If you have windows installed you can use Direcht Cabal connection (Programs-> Accessoires -> communication) This may not be installed standard., so run add windows components in controlpanal -> Software.
What is your OS?

3. The error means the connectio to the internet is not set proper, we need moor info on what kind of connection you have. (I.E. modem, broadband)

The logic of Microsoft: "Press START to shut down the pc"
Ron Kinner
Honored Contributor

Re: somethings

1) Since you appear to have a Toshiba laptop you should look at


2) The cable needs to be a null modem cable a straight cable will not work without a null modem adapter. I presume Ronald's message is correct about the XP software.

3) Hard to say without knowing how you are connecting and which browser you are using and which sites give you this message. It just means that there was no reply from the site within the specified time period. This could be because the site has failed, is busy doing something else, the network connection is noisy or some other error. Do you have all of your patches?

Jim Kisco
Trusted Contributor

Re: somethings

You might want to try "Laplink" software.

Google Laplink.........

Occasional Contributor

Re: somethings

Hi all,
1. My Laptop is Toshiba 1800 sys unit, Model no is PS183L-0022T, S/n is 22096921J

2. I am using internal modem access internet by LAN network, I use IE6.0 browser. My OS is WinXP Home Edition

3. My site is http//:www.med.nettec.de/

Thanks for your support
Occasional Contributor

Re: somethings

Hi all,
1. My Laptop is Toshiba 1800 sys unit, Model no is PS183L-0022T, S/n is 22096921J

2. I am using internal modem access internet by LAN network, I use IE6.0 browser.

3. My site is http//:www.med.nettec.de/

Thanks for your support

Ron Kinner
Honored Contributor

Re: somethings

1) As the site I gave you says:

"Starting with the system powered off (not in sleep/suspend or hibernate mode)├в Start with the system powered off. Press the power button and then immediately press and hold the Esc key while the system runs the POST (Power On Self Test). When the POST finishes, a prompt will appear telling you to press the F1 key to enter BIOS Setup. At that time, press the F1 key to access the BIOS Setup program."

2. While you can transfer files over a serial port it will be very slow. If you have an Ethernet connection on each you can use a crossover cable and they will talk to each other fairly easily.

3. The site you gave has a problem. When I tried to use the name it timed out. I did an nslookup and got an IP address

"nslookup med.nettec.de
Server: dtvladc01.directvla.com

Non-authoritative answer:
Name: multi03.nettec.de
Aliases: med.nettec.de"

and went to and I got the following message:

Der Internetauftritt
wird zur Zeit ├Г┬╝berarbeitet !

(For those of you who don't read German: the site is under construction. ) I tried the multi03.nettec.de address and got the same thing then I tried the original name without the www and it worked. It did, however, tell me that I should be using www.med.nettec.de and when I clicked on their link I got a login prompt. So the apparent solution to your problem right now is just to go to med.nettec.de

Occasional Contributor

Re: somethings

Hi all,

Thanks for your useful help, one thing i would like to know that How can I know I have TV Card on my laptop (in system control panel), I just see the analog outlet outside, I do not know is it TV outlet? (round and inside is yellow, out side is metal), if I really have TV Card How can I connect to TV by using.

Angela Kendal
Valued Contributor

Re: somethings

Hi Truong,

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