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DL380 G5 maximum disk size

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DL380 G5 maximum disk size

I am looking at buying a second hand DL380 G5 server but the purchase hinges on what the maximum size SATA hard drives I can use in it are. So far, all I can see are old posts saying the maximum swings between 500Gb and 600Gb. Is it possible to use drives of between 1 and 3 Tb?


I am looking at using it as a NAS server for my home network plus running a few virtual machines for training, etc. Hence the reason I ask about the SATA drives rather than SAS.

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Re: DL380 G5 maximum disk size



I dont know the largest a 380G5 specifically will take but I'm running 4 x 2 TB drives off a P400 controller in an ML350G5 which is  the controller the 380 uses so I imagine you should be ok too.


I think you will struggle to find 2.5" drives larger than 1TB though.


Hope this helps.