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Howto list tape contents from the commandline

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Howto list tape contents from the commandline

Hello world,

I use ntbackup in a script to backup my system.

I want to add a command to show what is on the tape, before the tape is overwritten.

ntbackup /? only shows backup operations, I cannot restore from the command line.

How can I check if the tape operator inserted the correct tape, to be overwritten?

Have Fun Today!
Vibhor Kumar Agarwal
Esteemed Contributor

Re: Howto list tape contents from the commandline

I don't ntbackup gives this utility.

You have to use a different backup program for this.
Vibhor Kumar Agarwal
Frequent Advisor

Re: Howto list tape contents from the commandline

Hi Vibhor,

Thanks for your reply. That means I have to install Arcserve, that I have available.


Regards TonJ
Have Fun Today!
Vibhor Kumar Agarwal
Esteemed Contributor

Re: Howto list tape contents from the commandline

You are Welcome,

If it solves your purpose, I think it will, just keep us updated.
Vibhor Kumar Agarwal
Frequent Advisor

Re: Howto list tape contents from the commandline

Solution: I cannot use NTBACKUP.EXE for this. I have to use other software, which can do this. Thanks for your support.

Regards, TonJ
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