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Speed up on Initial copy procedure in a continuous access replication


Speed up on Initial copy procedure in a continuous access replication

Any of you experienced in speeding up Initial full copy in a continious access  (CA)  synchronous replication ?

It takes a lot of time to create Initial CA copy on a 16TiB LDEV (yes big),72% used.

I'm wondering if we can speed up on this with some settings (SOM,HMO) or specific procedure ? 

In a back to normal (BTN) after one lost CA replication (not suspend but hard split) to the secondary, facing Petabytes to be copied , it matters.

Frequent Advisor

Re: Speed up on Initial copy procedure in a continuous access replication


Not sure which product you have? Generally, I would say try optimizing the Network Bandwidth(Consider using high-bandwidth connections to reduce the time it takes to transfer data between the primary and secondary sites) secondly,  does your storage system support parallelization? of data transfer during the initial copy. Some storage solutions allow for concurrent data transfer, which can significantly speed up the replication process.


Let me know


Re: Speed up on Initial copy procedure in a continuous access replication

Hi Mr_Techie,

This is about HPE XP8 V2 , 8 controller system.

Between the datacenters we have 8 x 32G DWDM links , should do the job no ?

In the meanwhile a service request was opened , starting from this post 




Re: Speed up on Initial copy procedure in a continuous access replication

Hi Mvhkbc,

Optimize your network infrastructure for high-speed data transfer. In addition to having adequate bandwidth, low latency, and minimizing congestion on the network, this should also be considered.
Use storage optimization techniques such as thin provisioning, compression, or deduplication to reduce the amount of data that needs to be replicated.

Hope this helps.


I work for HPE.
Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

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