1. Mail No attachment, body only - mailx -m -s "Some Subject" somone@somewhere.com < file_for_email_body 2. Mail with attachement, no body - ux2dos /path_to/some_file | uuencode some_file.txt | mailx -m -s "MAIL FROM Someone" someone@somewhere.com 3. Mail with attachment and body - ux2dos /path_to/some_file | uuencode some_file.txt | mailx -m -s "MAIL FROM Someone" someone@somewhere.com < file_for_email_body 4. Mail with carbon and blind carbon - mailx -m -s "Some Subject" somone@somewhere.com < file_for_email_body (Note that this does not work well when incorporating the -r option.) (The file_for_email_body should look like this - ) ~c someone_to_cc@somewhere.com ~b someone_to_bc@somewhere.com The remainder of this file is the text body of the email. 5. Mail with multiple attachments and body (Leave out the 'This is all you get' if no body desired) - mailx -m -s "Hello" someone@somewhere.com << END `ux2dos /home/dlamar/.kshrc | uuencode /home/dlamar/.kshrc.txt` `ux2dos /home/dlamar/.profile | uuencode /home/dlamar/.profile.txt` This is all you get. END