======================================================================== Job server: FILE_SERVER Job name: Thursday'sBackUp User name: Administrator.bkmc Operation: BACKUP Submitted: 08/12/00 at 17:40:23 ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Backup operation started: 07/02/02 at 23:00:05 Backup type: Normal ======================================================================== Overwriting tape: "Thursday'sTape". Tape ID: 2c47b814 Tape 1 Tape Name: "Thursday'sTape" Set 1 created 07/02/02 Set Name: "ServerInfo" Backup of FILE_SERVER.NetWare File System/FILE_SERVER/Server Specific Info: in Partition "HP C1537A 00" Drive: "HP C1537A 00" Backup set started: 07/02/02 at 23:00:47 Total directories: 1 Total files: 0 Total bytes: 390,851 (0.3 Megabytes) Total time: 00:00:04 Throughput: 97,712 bytes/second (5.5 Megabytes/minute) Total bytes used on this media: 475,136 (0.4 Megabytes) Backup set ended: 07/02/02 at 23:00:51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape ID: 2c47b814 Tape 1 Tape Name: "Thursday'sTape" Set 2 created 07/02/02 Set Name: "VolSYS" Backup of FILE_SERVER.NetWare File System/FILE_SERVER/SYS: in Partition "HP C1537A 00" Drive: "HP C1537A 00" Backup set started: 07/02/02 at 23:00:51 Unable to open file /etc/CONSOLE.LOG - SKIPPED. Unable to open file /gwmail/gw_logs/MTA_LOG.DB - SKIPPED. Unable to open file /gwmail/gw_logs/0207MTA.001 - SKIPPED. Unable to open file /gwmail/gw_logs/0207POA.001 - SKIPPED. Unable to open file /gwmail/gw_po/NGWGUARD.RFL - SKIPPED. Unable to open file /gwmail/gw_po/NGWGUARD.DB - SKIPPED. Unable to open file /gwmail/gw_po/ofuser/userhcv.db - SKIPPED. Unable to open file /SYSTEM/NLSTRANS.DB - SKIPPED. Total directories: 1580 Total files: 12975 Total bytes: 1,072,900,115 (1023.1 Megabytes) Total time: 01:02:46 Throughput: 284,891 bytes/second (16.3 Megabytes/minute) Files skipped: 8 Total bytes used on this media: 1,087,102,976 (1036.7 Megabytes) Backup set ended: 08/02/02 at 00:03:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape ID: 2c47b814 Tape 1 Tape Name: "Thursday'sTape" Set 3 created 08/02/02 Set Name: "VolMAIN" Backup of FILE_SERVER.NetWare File System/FILE_SERVER/MAIN: in Partition "HP C1537A 00" Drive: "HP C1537A 00" Backup set started: 08/02/02 at 00:03:39 Unable to open file /APPS/TEAM40/database/FREOPENS.FCS - SKIPPED. Unable to open file /APPS/TEAM40/database/FREOPEN0.FCS - SKIPPED. Unable to open file /APPS/TEAM40/database/FREOPEN1.FCS - SKIPPED. Unable to open file /APPS/TEAM40/database/FREOPEN2.FCS - SKIPPED. Unable to open file /APPS/TEAM40/database/FREOPEN3.FCS - SKIPPED. Unable to open file /APPS/TEAM40/database/L0000001.FCS - SKIPPED. Unable to open file /APPS/TEAM40/database/I0000001.FCS - SKIPPED. Unable to open file /APPS/TEAM40/database/D0000000.FCS - SKIPPED. Unable to open file /APPS/TEAM40/database/FAIRCOM.FCS - SKIPPED. Unable to open file /APPS/TEAM40/database/SYSLOGDT.FCS - SKIPPED. Unable to open file /APPS/TEAM40/database/SYSLOGIX.FCS - SKIPPED. Total directories: 12745 Total files: 149762 Total bytes: 3,324,908,681 (3170.8 Megabytes) Total time: 10:07:18 Throughput: 91,248 bytes/second (5.2 Megabytes/minute) Files skipped: 11 Total bytes used on this media: 4,542,660,608 (4332.2 Megabytes) Backup set ended: 08/02/02 at 10:10:57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape ID: 2c47b814 Tape 1 Tape Name: "Thursday'sTape" Set 4 created 08/02/02 Set Name: "Schema" Backup of FILE_SERVER.Novell Directory/BKMC/Schema: in Partition "HP C1537A 00" Drive: "HP C1537A 00" Backup set started: 08/02/02 at 10:11:05 Total directories: 1 Total files: 0 Total bytes: 117,744 (0.1 Megabytes) Total time: 00:00:04 Throughput: 29,436 bytes/second (1.6 Megabytes/minute) Total bytes used on this media: 4,542,832,640 (4332.3 Megabytes) Backup set ended: 08/02/02 at 10:11:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape ID: 2c47b814 Tape 1 Tape Name: "Thursday'sTape" Set 5 created 08/02/02 Set Name: "NDSRoot" Backup of FILE_SERVER.Novell Directory/BKMC/.[Root]: in Partition "HP C1537A 00" Drive: "HP C1537A 00" Backup set started: 08/02/02 at 10:11:12 Total directories: 7 Total files: 84 Total bytes: 416,236 (0.3 Megabytes) Total time: 00:00:05 Throughput: 83,247 bytes/second (4.7 Megabytes/minute) Total bytes used on this media: 4,543,373,312 (4332.8 Megabytes) Backup set ended: 08/02/02 at 10:11:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Total devices: 5 Total bytes: 4,398,733,627 (4194.9 Megabytes) Total time: 11:10:17 Throughput: 109,374 bytes/second (6.2 Megabytes/minute) Backup operation ended: 08/02/02 at 10:11:24 ======================================================================== Operation ended on tape #1 in partition "HP C1537A 00". ======================================================================== Verify operation started: 08/02/02 at 10:11:24 ======================================================================== Tape ID: 2c47b814 Tape 1 Tape Name: "Thursday'sTape" Set 1 created 07/02/02 Set Name: "ServerInfo" Backup of FILE_SERVER.NetWare File System/FILE_SERVER/Server Specific Info: in Partition "HP C1537A 00" Drive: "HP C1537A 00" Verify set started: 08/02/02 at 10:12:39 Total directories: 1 Total files: 0 Total bytes: 390,851 (0.3 Megabytes) Total time: 00:00:01 Throughput: 390,851 bytes/second (22.3 Megabytes/minute) Corrupt files on tape: 0 Verify set ended: 08/02/02 at 10:12:39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape ID: 2c47b814 Tape 1 Tape Name: "Thursday'sTape" Set 2 created 07/02/02 Set Name: "VolSYS" Backup of FILE_SERVER.NetWare File System/FILE_SERVER/SYS: in Partition "HP C1537A 00" Drive: "HP C1537A 00" Verify set started: 08/02/02 at 10:12:40 Total directories: 1580 Total files: 12975 Total bytes: 1,072,900,115 (1023.1 Megabytes) Total time: 00:16:18 Throughput: 1,097,034 bytes/second (62.7 Megabytes/minute) Corrupt files on tape: 0 Verify set ended: 08/02/02 at 10:28:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape ID: 2c47b814 Tape 1 Tape Name: "Thursday'sTape" Set 3 created 08/02/02 Set Name: "VolMAIN" Backup of FILE_SERVER.NetWare File System/FILE_SERVER/MAIN: in Partition "HP C1537A 00" Drive: "HP C1537A 00" Verify set started: 08/02/02 at 10:28:59 Total directories: 12745 Total files: 149762 Total bytes: 3,324,908,681 (3170.8 Megabytes) Total time: 00:58:04 Throughput: 954,336 bytes/second (54.6 Megabytes/minute) Corrupt files on tape: 0 Verify set ended: 08/02/02 at 11:27:03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape ID: 2c47b814 Tape 1 Tape Name: "Thursday'sTape" Set 4 created 08/02/02 Set Name: "Schema" Backup of FILE_SERVER.Novell Directory/BKMC/Schema: in Partition "HP C1537A 00" Drive: "HP C1537A 00" Verify set started: 08/02/02 at 11:27:04 Total directories: 1 Total files: 0 Total bytes: 117,744 (0.1 Megabytes) Total time: 00:00:01 Throughput: 117,744 bytes/second (6.7 Megabytes/minute) Corrupt files on tape: 0 Verify set ended: 08/02/02 at 11:27:05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape ID: 2c47b814 Tape 1 Tape Name: "Thursday'sTape" Set 5 created 08/02/02 Set Name: "NDSRoot" Backup of FILE_SERVER.Novell Directory/BKMC/.[Root]: in Partition "HP C1537A 00" Drive: "HP C1537A 00" Verify set started: 08/02/02 at 11:27:05 Total directories: 7 Total files: 84 Total bytes: 416,236 (0.3 Megabytes) Total time: 00:00:01 Throughput: 416,236 bytes/second (23.8 Megabytes/minute) Corrupt files on tape: 0 Verify set ended: 08/02/02 at 11:27:06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Total devices: 5 Total bytes: 4,398,733,627 (4194.9 Megabytes) Total time: 01:14:25 Throughput: 985,158 bytes/second (56.3 Megabytes/minute) Verify operation ended: 08/02/02 at 11:27:06 ======================================================================== Job completion status: Normal