/usr/bin/clear echo "This will install the new Compaq cciss SCSI Raid drivers and" echo "the new hotplug2003 packages to support the HP hotplug tape drive" echo "" echo "Press any key to continue or press to abort" read ANSWER echo "Installing the Hotplug base package" echo "" rpm -Uhv --replacefiles hotplug-base-2003_05_01-1.noarch.rpm echo "" echo "Installing the Hotplug 2003 package" echo "" rpm -Uhv --force hotplug-2003_05_01-1.noarch.rpm echo "" echo "Installing the Compaq SmartArray 5i Raid Driver" echo "" rpm -Uhv cpq_cciss_RedHat73-2.4.46-7.i386.rpm echo "" echo "" echo "You must now reboot the machine for the driver changes to take effect" echo ""