$> $>type filename.rpt Node Name = OWS1 This computer is all clear :-) Node Name = OWS2 This computer still contains data of types a, b, & c. Node Name = OWS3 This computer still contains data of type c. Node Name = OWS4 This computer is all clear :-) $>type test1.com $!-------<>------- $!...do housekeeping stuff here $ open/read rpt filename.rpt $!... $ write sys$output "" $ write sys$output "Node Data-Status: ''f$time()'" $ write sys$output "" $loop1: $ c1 = "" $ c2 = "" $ c3 = "" $ cnt = 0 $! $loop2: $ read/end=finish rpt inrec $ if f$extract(0,4,inrec) .eqs. "Node" $ then $ nodex = inrec - "Node Name = " $ read/end=error1 rpt inrec $ if f$extract(0,4,inrec) .eqs. "This" $ then $ statusx = inrec - "This computer" - - "is all " - " :-)" - - "still contains data of type" - - "s" - "& " $ cnt = cnt + 1 $ c'cnt' = f$fao("!6AS!10AS",nodex,statusx) $ else $ goto error1 !missing record $ endif $ goto loop2 !skip blank lines $ endif $! $ if cnt .lt. 3 then goto loop2 $ call showit $ goto loop1 $! $finish: $ if cnt then call showit $! display whatever eoj data you want. $ write sys$output "" $ read/prompt="Press ENTER " sys$command inp $ goto quit $! $error1: $! incorrect or missing report record, $! display error message and ask for ack. $! $quit: $ close rpt $ exit $! $showit: subroutine $ write sys$output f$fao(" !#(25AS)",cnt,c1,c2,c3) $exit $endsubroutine $!-------<>------- $>@test1 Node Data-Status: 14-MAR-2006 16:30:28.56 OWS1 clear OWS2 a, b, c. OWS3 c. OWS4 clear Press ENTER $>