> If I run WINTCP_VERSION.exe I get "WINTCP V5.2F-000 ( STANDARD kernel ) It knows more about itself than I. It's entirely possible that the version-numbering scheme changed with the name change to PathWay, and you've probably exceeded the limits of my (failing) memory on this topic. In any case, you know what resources I have, and where to find me, if any of that sounds potentially valuable. On the bright side, my dim memory of trying to do anything with UCX V1.3 suggests that WIN/TCP was far more capable than UCX in the old days, so I wouldn't feel too bad about using it, even if it's a little stale. (That's why we used it, back when. On the dim side, one advantage of UCX over the Wollongong/Attachmate product is that, if/when it worked, you got NFS at no additional cost.)