+------------------------------+ | NodeA | | ??/15 x S1 -- 3011 <----------> | ??/15 x S2 -- 3012 <----------> | S3 -- 3013 disabled |... +------------------------------+ . . +------------------------------+ . | NodeB | . | 12/15 x S1 -- 3011 <----------.--> | 15/15 x S2 -- 3012 <----------.--> | 4/15 x S3 -- 3013 <----------+ +------------------------------+ | | | +-------------|------------+ | NodeC | | | V | | Application | +--------------------------+ External nodes can connect to NodeA and NodeB. On NodeA and NodeB: Ports 3011, 3012 and 3013 are equal but the processname: SET SERVICE/PORT= - /user= - /PROCESS= /LIMIT=15 Any process starting on that service will first rename itself to hold the BG-device ("S1" will become "S1_BGxxxx") to prevent name clashes. This is part of The program that is run afterwards, will read the IP-socket, process the message and return the outcome. After that, the service remains active and will wait for the next request. So it is possible to handle up to 15 requests simultaniously (as far as the data-processing allows) If a request is received on a port, and no service is started yet, it will be created. It will read the message, process it, return the information (over the same port) and listen for the next request. If a request is received on a port, and a service-process is listening, this process will handle it: Read the message, process it, return the information and listen for the next request. If a request is received on a port, and no service-process is free for handling, the system will check the number of processes. If the limit is not yet reached, a new service instance is created, which will handle the request: Read the message, process it, return the information and listen for the next request. If the limit of number of processes has been reached, there will be NO new proces created and the request will fail since no connection can be established. On nodeA, both services S1 and S2 have a number of instances available This node is actually of no interrest, since S3 has been disabled on that machine. Normally, it would also be handling NodeC's requests if NodeB would not respond fast enough.... On NodeB, service S1 has 12 instances running of service S1. If all of these would be activated (meaning: is busy handling a request so will NOT react on the request) a new service-instance would be created to handle a newly incoming request. If any would be idle (not busy handling a request, therefore listening for a new one) it would take it, so no new service instance is required, hence not created. Service S2 has 15 instances, being the limit sepcified, so new requests will fail if all 15 would be busy handling requests. Service S3 has just 4 instances and should allow new instances be started if the application on NodeC would issue a request and all running instances are busy handling requests. THIS FAILS. On NodeB, no logfile of service S3 is created! There are two possible locations for the problem: NodeB and NodeC.