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How to Update Firmware on Emulex HBA Card

How to Update Firmware on Emulex HBA Card

Document ID: CTX138678 / Created On: 2013-8-5 / Updated On: 2013-9-13
Average Rating: not yet rated


This article describes how to update the firmware on an Emulex HBA card.


XenServer versions 5.x and 6.x


Warning! If the Emulex card is re-branded from a third party vendor such as HP, you must obtain the firmware from the third party vendor. Updating the Emulex firmware directly from Emulex might void support/warranty of the product and can cause hardware failure.

To update the firmware on an Emulex HBA card, complete the following procedure:

  • Open XenServer command line interface and run the following command:
    #hbacmd listhbas
This lists the details of all HBA ports on your Host.
Example: #hbacmd listhbas
Manageable HBA List
Port WWN : 10:00:00:00:c9:49:28:42
Node WWN : 20:00:00:00:c9:49:28:42
Fabric Name: 10:00:00:60:69:80:2d:ee
Flags : 8000f980
Host Name : server01
Mfg : Emulex Corporation
  • Copy the Port WWN numbers for all the HBA ports to a notepad.
  • Download the corresponding .ufi firmware update file for the HBA card form the Emulex site.
  • Place the .ufi file into the /tmp directory within the XenServer, using either WinSCP or FileZilla.
  • Install the HBA firmware update on each HBA port:
    #hbacmd download <
    Port WWN> /tmp/<name of the firmware update file>
    Example: #hbacmd download 10:00:00:00:c9:49:28:47 /tmp/oc11-4.1.402.20.ufi
  • Repeat step 5 for all HBA port WWN numbers.
  • Restart the XenServer.
  • To verify if the firmware update has been successfully updated, run the following command:
    #hbacmd HBAAttrib <
    Port WWN>
    Example: #hbacmd HBAAttrib 10:00:00:00:c9:49:28:47
  • Search for the line:
    FW Version : 1.91A1 (H2D1.91A1)


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