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그래픽카드를 이용한 CDE화면에서 해상도 조절하는법 아시는분~

비정기 기여자

그래픽카드를 이용한 CDE화면에서 해상도 조절하는법 아시는분~


고수님들의 도움이 필요합니다.

다름이 아니라 그래픽카드를 이용한 CDE화면에서 해상도 조절하는법을 아시면 가르쳐주세요.

서버는 rp3440이고 PCI-VGA카드를 추가로 장착하여 모니터와 키보드/마우스를 직접 연결해서 CDE화면을 띄우는데요.

LCD모니터가 15인치라서 1280*1024로 해상도를 맞추면 글씨가 넘 작네요.

그래서 sam에서 1024*768로 변경하여 save하구 사용하다가 reboot이 되면 다시 1280*1024로 돌아갑니다.

reboot후에도 1024*768로 쓸수 있는 방법을 아시면 알려주세요.

참 모니터를 17인치로 바꿀수 없기에 이렇게 해상도를 낮추려는 겁니다.

RACK-MOUNT로 모니터가 달려서요.

많은 고수님의 조언 부탁드립니다.


이태경님이 말씀하신 파일에 mode:1280*1024가 없네요....수정이 아니라 추가해주면 되나요?

파일내용을 첨부합니다.

"/etc/X11/XF86Config" 142 lines, 4989 characters


# The ServerLayout section specifies the input and output devices that are

# connected to the server. Multiple ServerLayout sections may be contained in

# the XF86Config file. However, the first one in the file is the active

# layout, unless otherwise specified by the -layout option from the command

# line. Check the "Graphics Administration Guide" (GAG) for other options that

# may be set here, or elsewhere, in the XF86Config file. An online

# version of the "Graphics Administration Guide" is available at:


# http://www.hp.com/support/workstation_manuals


# after selecting the link appropriate for a given workstation model.


Section "ServerLayout"


# The ServerLayout ID. A required line.


Identifier "Main Layout"


# The first field on the Screen line specifies the screen number. It is

# optional. The second field is the Screen ID. It must match an entry in

# a Screen section. Only Screens specified here will be active. The

# remaining fields specify relative or absolute positions of the screen

# relative to other screens. Check the GAG for full details on

# specifying the Screen.


Screen 0 "Screen 0" 0 0


# Each InputDevice line specifies an InputDevice section ID name and

# optionally some options that specify the way the device is to be used.

# Typically there is a pointer device (mouse) and a keyboard. They

# usually are specified with a CorePointer and CoreKeyboard option

# respectively. Additional pointers and keyboards are specified with

# the SendCoreEvents option. The options may also be specified in the

# InputDevice section. It is not necessary to specify an InputDevice.


InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"

InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"


# Uncomment this to force OGL indirect contexts to be rendered in

# software. Indirect rendering is done with the hardware driver by

# default. However, some features such as rendering to a glXPixmap

# may not be available in all hardware drivers.


#Option "AccelerateIndirectRendering" "false"

# Uncomment the following line and update the time to turn on Xserver

# screen blanking. The time is in minutes.

#Option "blank time" "10"

# Uncomment the following lines to set the DPMS time periods. The

# time is in minutes. The DPMS Monitor Option must be on for these

# to have an effect (see the "Monitor" section).

#Option "standby time" "20"

#Option "suspend time" "30"

#Option "off time" "40"



# The Files section is used to specify the location of various files

# to the X server. There may only be one Files section in the XF86Config

# file.


Section "Files"


# FontPaths. Specifies the font paths. You may want to

# specify a different font path for the following reasons.

# 1) An application delivers its own fonts.

# 2) A font server is to be used instead of the default path.




# The Module section is used to inform the server which loadable libraries are

# to be loaded at run time. There may only be one Module section in the

# XF86Config file.

# See the GAG for more details.


Section "Module"



# There may be multiple InputDevice sections. An InputDevice section is active

# only if it is specified by the active ServerLayout section. The Identifief

# is a required line and must be identical to an InputDevice line in the

# active ServerLayout in order for the device to be active. Normally there

# are two InputDevice sections in the XF86Config file. One for the pointer

# (mouse) and the other for the keyboard. The Driver line is required. It

# specifies which driver is to be loaded at run time. See the GAG for more

# details on what input devices are supported and which options may be selected.


Section "InputDevice"

Identifier "Keyboard0"

Driver "keyboard"


Section "InputDevice"

Identifier "Mouse0"

Driver "mouse"

Option "Protocol" "PS/2"

Option "Device" "/dev/hid/mouse_000"



# There may be multiple Monitor sections. The purpose of this section is

# is to specify the range of operation of a monitor. For a Monitor to be

# in use the Identifier must match the Monitor line in an active Screen.

# HorizSync and VertRefresh are required fields. See the GAG for more

# options that may be set.


Section "Monitor"

Identifier "Monitor 0"

HorizSync 30.0 - 110.0

VertRefresh 50.0 - 75.0

# DPMS is not enabled by default. Uncomment the following line to

# enable it.

#Option "DPMS" "on"



# There may be multiple Device sections. This section is used to specify

# parameters for the graphics device. The Identifier string must match

# the Device string in the active Screen section for this device to be

# in use. See the GAG for more options that may be set for this particular device.


Section "Device"

Identifier "Console"

Devicefile "/dev/gvid"
3 응답 3

그래픽카드를 이용한 CDE화면에서 해상도 조절하는법 아시는분~

/etc/X11/XF86Config 에서 마지막 라인을 수정해 주세요

mode :1280 x 1024

Good day^^

그래픽카드를 이용한 CDE화면에서 해상도 조절하는법 아시는분~

setmon이란 program을 이용해보세요..


# cd /opt/graphics/common/bin

에 가시면 setmon이란 program이 있습니다.


띄우면 원하시는 해상도를 설정할수 있습니다.


그래픽카드를 이용한 CDE화면에서 해상도 조절하는법 아시는분~

첨부파일을 참조하십시오