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오라클 파라미터값 최대치...

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오라클 파라미터값 최대치...

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한글이면 더 좋구요^^


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오라클 파라미터값 최대치...


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Review Kernel Parameter

- Oracle 9i는 Unix의 리소스를 Shared Memory, swap memory, semaphores 통해서 사용.

- 커널 파라미터 설정이 충분하지 못하면 Oracle 9i설치시 시스템에 다운되는 상태가 된다.

- 충분한 파라미터 설정을 통해야 Oracle 9i의 설치가 가능하다.

다음의 절차를 통해서 Kernel Parameter를 설정 가능하다.

SAM -> Kernel Configuration -> Configurable Parameters

다음의 수치를 Oracle 9i에 맞게 설정한다.


Kernel Parameter setting purpose




MAXDSIZ 1073741824 bytes


MAXDSIZ_64 2147483648 bytes


MAXSSIZ 134217728 bytes


MAXSSIZ_64BIT 1073741824


MAXSWAPCHUNKS (available memory)/2


MAXUPRC (NPROC + 2) Defines maximum number of user



MSGMAP (NPROC + 2) Defines the maximum number of

message map entries.


MSGMNI NPROC Defines the number of message queue



MSGSEG (NPROC * 4) Defines the number of segments

available for messages.


MSGTQL NPROC Defines the number of message headers.


NCALLOUT (NPROC + 16) Defines the maximum number of

pending timeouts.


NCSIZE ((8 * NPROC + 2048) + VX_NCSIZE)

Defines the Directory Name Lookup

Cache (DNLC) space needed for inodes.

VX_NCSIZE is by default 1024.


NFILE (15 * NPROC + 2048) Defines the maximum number of open



NFLOCKS NPROC Defines the maximum number of files

locks available on the system.


NINODE (8 * NPROC + 2048) Defines the maximum number of open



NKTHREAD (((NPROC * 7) / 4) + 16) Defines the maximum number of kernel

threads supported by the system.


NPROC 4096 Defines the maximum number of



SEMMAP ((NPROC * 2) + 2) Defines the maximum number of

semaphore map entries.


SEMMNI (NPROC * 2) Defines the maximum number of

semaphore sets in the entire system.


SEMMNS (NPROC * 2) * 2 Sets the number of semaphores in the

system. The default value of SEMMNS

is 128, which is, in most cases, too low

for Oracle9i software.


SEMMNU (NPROC - 4) Defines the number of semaphore undo



SEMVMX 32768 Defines the maximum value of a



SHMMAX Available physical memory Defines the maximum allowable size of

one shared memory segment.

The SHMMAX setting should be large

enough to hold the entire SGA in one

shared memory segment. A low setting

can cause creation of multiple shared

memory segments which may lead to

performance degradation.

SHMMNI 512 Defines the maximum number of shared

memory segments in the entire system.

SHMSEG 32 Defines the maximum number of shared

memory segments one process can attach.

VPS_CEILING 64 Defines the maximum System-Selected

Page Size in kilobytes.


오라클 파라미터값 최대치...

오러클 설치 시 자료 입니다.

오러클 몇 버전을 설치하시는건지 알려주셨으면 더 좋았을 텐데요..

일단은 9i 버전 설치시 요구되는 파라미터 값 입니다.
