1753971 회원
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L2000 fan 장애 관련입니다

han jin woong

L2000 fan 장애 관련입니다

Model : L2000

OS : 11.00

Firmware : 44.28

STM : A.44.00

Patch : XSWGR1100 (June 2001) & XSWHWCR1100 (June 2001)

1) event.log

Event Time..........: Sun Nov 5 13:48:06 2006

Severity............: SERIOUS

Monitor.............: dm_core_hw

Event #.............: 39

System..............: L2000


Main cabinet fan or blower 1 failure in compute cabinet

v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v D E T A I L S v-v-v-v-v-v-v-

Device identification information:

Number of failed fans....................: 1

Location of failed fan(s)................: compute cabinet

Failed fan number(s).....................: 1

2) STM 내용

Cabinet 0 Slot Locations:

Hardware Component Map (locations 00-31)





|p|F|p|p|p|p|p|p| | | | | | | | cf(b)

|p|p|p| | | | | | | | | | | | | cp s


s - Slot available for the hardware component.

p - Component present at the marked location.

F - Component failed at the marked location.

cf(b)- Cabinet Fan (blower)

cps - Cabinet Power Supply

이렇게 나와서 서버 뒤쪽에 있는 fan을 교체해주었는데도

계속적으로 event.log에 fan fail 내용이 쌓입니다....

혹 patch문제인지요..

답변 부탁드리겠읍니다..

1 응답 1

L2000 fan 장애 관련입니다

대부분의 FAN장애는 FAN의 문제이기 보다는 platform board의 장애로 인하여 발생됩니다.

platform board를 교체하여 보시기 바랍니다.
