1753574 회원
6019 온라인
108796 솔루션
새 메시지

dmesg 내용입니다...무슨뜻인지 답변 부탁드립니다.^^

비정기 기여자

dmesg 내용입니다...무슨뜻인지 답변 부탁드립니다.^^

mpc_bindlwp: Overriding conflicting mandatory binding!

mpc_bindlwp: Migrating process 12036 from processor 1 to processor 0!

mpc_bindlwp: Overriding conflicting mandatory binding!

mpc_bindlwp: Migrating process 12036 from processor 1 to processor 0!

mpc_bindlwp: Overriding conflicting mandatory binding!

mpc_bindlwp: Migrating process 12036 from processor 1 to processor 0!

mpc_bindlwp: Overriding conflicting mandatory binding!

mpc_bindlwp: Migrating process 12037 from processor 2 to processor 0!

mpc_bindlwp: Overriding conflicting mandatory binding!

mpc_bindlwp: Migrating process 12037 from processor 2 to processor 0!

mpc_bindlwp: Overriding conflicting mandatory binding!

mpc_bindlwp: Migrating process 12037 from processor 2 to processor 0!

mpc_bindlwp: Overriding conflicting mandatory binding!

mpc_bindlwp: Migrating process 12039 from processor 3 to processor 0!

mpc_bindlwp: Overriding conflicting mandatory binding!

mpc_bindlwp: Migrating process 12039 from processor 3 to processor 0!

mpc_bindlwp: Overriding conflicting mandatory binding!

mpc_bindlwp: Migrating process 12039 from processor 3 to processor 0!

5 응답 5

dmesg 내용입니다...무슨뜻인지 답변 부탁드립니다.^^

itrc에 이런 내용이 있네요.

patch 문제인듯합니다.

우선version에 맞는 최신의 patch를 적용하시고요,

stm version을 확인하여 최신의 verison으로 upgrade하시기 바랍니다.

# mstm -c

하시면 현재 version을 알수있습니다.

http://www.software.hp.com에 가시면 최신의 stm을 download하여 설치하시기 바랍니다.

download가 되었다면

# /sbin/init.d/diagnostic stop

# swinstall -s stm.depot

# /sbin/init.d/diagnostic start

# mstm -c


These messages were resolved with patches that the customer has installed.

However, any user process not correctly using mpctl() calls will still cause

these messages. There are no mpctl() calls within the sysinfo script, however,

the sysinfo script uses Suppport Tools Manager (STM). The older version of

STM, A.17.00, does incorrectly use mpctl(). Updating to a newer version of

STM, version A.21.00 resolves the error messages.

Customers receiving these error messages should first check that patch

PHKL_18543 or superceding patch is installed. Then check to see if they are

using STM and what version, they need to have version A.21.00 or higher. If

they still get errors, then they need to make sure there are no user programs

incorrectly using mpctl() calls.

dmesg 내용입니다...무슨뜻인지 답변 부탁드립니다.^^

사용하고 계신장비가 L2000인가요?

PDC firmware version을 확인하시기 바랍니다.

L2000의 최신 firmware version은 41.39입니다.

dmesg 내용입니다...무슨뜻인지 답변 부탁드립니다.^^

itrc 문서를 참고하세요^^

Good day~~

- itrc 문서 -

Patch REQUIRED for multiple CPUs (HP-UX 11.00)

PHKL_21420: s700_800 11.00 specify diag2 as MP-safe

Patch PHKL_21420 is required to fix a problem with the CPU Info tool that occurred on Multiple-Processor (MP) systems on HP-UX 11.00 only. The CPU Info tool was causing numerous warning messages to be logged to the file /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log. The messages logged were similar to:

mpc_bindlwp: Migrating process 3269 from processor 30 to processor 0!

mpc_bindlwp: Overriding conflicting mandatory binding!

This problem was due to non-MP-safe calls being made when one of the CPUs above 0 was selected. PHKL_21420 is a kernel patch and requires a reboot.


dmesg 내용입니다...무슨뜻인지 답변 부탁드립니다.^^

다른 site에서 몇번 본일이 있네요

diag2 관련 Patch을 하시면 에러메시지 없으집니다.

(itrc.hp.com 에서 diag2 로 찾으시면 되고요..)

그리고 online diag(stm)도 올려주시면 좋고요....


dmesg 내용입니다...무슨뜻인지 답변 부탁드립니다.^^