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nms에서 로그인데 좀 봐주세요.

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02:09:42 Note: calculation delayed due to counter wrap for fibresw2 Received-ei0.1.

02:09:42 Note: calculation delayed due to counter wrap for fibresw2 Transmitted-ei0.1.

09/07/05 01:55:26 An SNMP request for "fibresw2 Received-ei0.1" is already in progress at

polling time. Deferring one collection. This may be due to SNMP

timing out because the agent is not responding or your polling

interval is set too small. The SNMP configuration for fibresw2

is timeout 6.0 seconds with 2 retries which may take

42.0 seconds total for SNMP to timeout. The polling interval

is 10 seconds. You should increase the polling interval.

09/07/05 01:55:26 An SNMP request for "fibresw2 Transmitted-ei0.1" is already in progress at

polling time. Deferring one collection. This may be due to SNMP

timing out because the agent is not responding or your polling

interval is set too small. The SNMP configuration for fibresw2

is timeout 6.0 seconds with 2 retries which may take

42.0 seconds total for SNMP to timeout. The polling interval

is 10 seconds. You should increase the polling interval.

09/07/05 01:55:58 SNMP timeout #1 for fibresw2 Received-ei0.1.

09/07/05 01:55:58 SNMP timeout #1 for fibresw2 Transmitted-ei0.1.

09/07/05 01:56:48 SNMP timeout #2 for fibresw2 Received-ei0.1.

09/07/05 01:56:48 SNMP timeout #2 for fibresw2 Transmitted-ei0.1.

09/07/05 01:57:38 SNMP timeout #3 for fibresw2 Received-ei0.1.

09/07/05 01:57:38 fibresw2 Received-ei0.1 had 3 consecutive timeouts. Stopping SNMP.

09/07/05 01:57:38 SNMP timeout #3 for fibresw2 Transmitted-ei0.1.

09/07/05 01:57:38 fibresw2 Transmitted-ei0.1 had 3 consecutive timeouts. Stopping SNMP.

09/07/05 01:57:46 No SNMP response from specified nodes. No live SNMP performed.

