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q4 실행시 에러 해결 요청

비정기 조언자

q4 실행시 에러 해결 요청

안녕하세요. q4를 실행하면 아래와 같이 나타납니다. 메뉴얼상에도

특별한 대처방법이 없네요..

고수님들의 한마디 부탁드립니다.

@(#) q4 $Revision: B.11.20f $ $Fri Aug 17 18:05:11 PDT 2001 0

Reading kernel symbols ...

This kernel does not look like it has been prepared for debugging.

If this is so, you will need to run pxdb or q4pxdb64 on it

before you can use q4.

You can verify that this is the problem by asking pxdb:

$ pxdb -s status ./vmunix

If pxdb says the kernel has not been preprocessed, you will need to run

it on the kernel before using q4:

$ pxdb ./vmunix

Be aware that pxdb will overwrite your kernel with the fixed-up version,

so you might want to save a copy of the file before you do this.

(If the "-s status" command complained about an internal error,

you will need to get a different version of pxdb before proceeding.)

If you were not able to find pxdb, be advised that it moved from its

traditional location in /usr/bin to /opt/langtools/bin when the change

was made to the System V.4 file system layout.

If you do not have pxdb, it is probably because the debugging tools are

now an optional product (associated with the compilers and debuggers)

and are no longer installed on every system by default.

In this case you should use q4pxdb64 in exactly the same manner as you would

use pxdb.

2 응답 2

q4 실행시 에러 해결 요청

crash 가 발생된 directory에서 ..

예를 들자면

# cd /path_to/crash_dump

# q4 .

하여 보시기 바랍니다..
비정기 조언자

q4 실행시 에러 해결 요청

# cd /path_to/crash_dump

# q4

했습니다. 다른 디렉토리에선 q4가 되지 않습니다.
