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unix and vms 可以共用nfs嗎


unix and vms 可以共用nfs嗎

請問VMS and Unix 共用同一個NFS (from NAS)


因為之前我有做過copy VMS file至NFS

在unix platform去看該NFS會有沒有版本跟複製的版本,還有一個怪怪的檔案$ADF$joey.bck;3

# ls -al

total 9043

drwxrwxrwx 2 root system 512 Sep 9 06:07 .

-rwxr-xr-- 1 nobody system 90 Sep 9 06:07 .$ADF$joey.bck;3

drwxr-xr-x 23 root system 512 Sep 9 06:06 ..

-rwxr-x--- 2 nobody system 4612608 Sep 9 06:07 joey.bck

-rwxr-x--- 2 nobody system 4612608 Sep 9 06:07 joey.bck;3

但是若是從Unix platform 複製一個檔案到NFS,則是會只有一個檔案而已,這樣VMS 認得到嗎

3則回覆 3

unix and vms 可以共用nfs嗎

>>若是從Unix platform 複製一個檔案到NFS,則是會只有一個檔案而已,這樣VMS 認得到嗎

可以, 但反過來就不是這麼單純了! 因為 VMS 的 file system 和 NFS/Unix file system 有很多差異, 所以有些先天的限制.

如果檔案要在 VMS and Unix 間用 NFS 互相存取, to avoid many unexpected problem, use only Sequential file

(and better with STREAM_LF record format) from VMS side. Also note that VMS NFS Client will do file name conversion,

conversion rule is in Appendix-C of Management manual.

VMS file systems contain some RMS file attributes (e.g. to see file attributes of joey.bck -> "$dir/fu joey.bck")

which is not recognized by NFS and Unix. VMS NFS Client, by default, uses ADFs (i.e. $ADF$joey.bck;3) to store

these file attributes when creating a file on NFS disk. You can use /NOADF (tcpip> mount ... /NOADF) to turn off

this feature. If you turn off the ADFs, all files created from VMS will be converted to STREAM_LF format by

VMS NFS Client, hence some VMS commands and utilities will not work as expected when accessing those files!


unix and vms 可以共用nfs嗎


可以解釋一下Sequential file 是指什麼

unix and vms 可以共用nfs嗎

Sequential file organization: A file organization in which records appear in the order in which they were originally written.

VMS 支援三種 file organization (sequential, indexed, relative).

詳見 "guide to openvms file applications" chapter 1 and 2.