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Unknown device in G9 server

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Unknown device in G9 server


I'm in the process of building a DL180 G9 server. It was built via 2012 R2 media and has had the SPP applied without issue. All but one of the devices listed has an appropriate driver installed. I just can't figure out what it is. I had assumed that it may possibly have had something to do with ILo but those devices\drivers look to be ok. Hardware ID below:


It appears as 'PCI Device' and is on the same root port as iLo (CHIF), iLo (CORE), Matrox G200.

Any advice would be greatfully received.

Thanks all!



EDIT - Spelling


Re: Unknown device in G9 server



See if this article helps you.



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Re: Unknown device in G9 server




You may try installing the HP ProLiant Gen9 Chipset Identifier for Windows, HP ProLiant iLO 3/4 Channel Interface Driver for Windows X64, HP ProLiant iLO 3/4 Management Controller Driver Package for Windows Server 2008/2012 X64 under section Driver - System Management (3) and Matrox G200eH Video Controller Driver for Windows Server 2012 and Server 2012 R2 under section Driver - Graphics (1) from the server's driver download page.






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Re: Unknown device in G9 server

Thank-you both for the suggestions. I had previously tried to re-install the 3 packages you mentioned. All told me that the drivers were already up to date but I re-installed anyway. It made no difference to the unknown device.


Initially I had used the 2014.09.0 SPP when building thes server. I noticed that 2015.04.0 was available so used that to update everything as well. Still no luck.


I've attached the images I'd forgotten to include in my first post. They just show the device status\location and hardware ID.


Can you think of anything else, or is it time to ask support?


Many Thanks,


UPDATE:  Completely reinstalled the OS using Intelligent Provisioning this time. Same issue. Same PCI device.





Re: Unknown device in G9 server



Have you installed any PCI Device or did any PCI Card came pre installed from HP?

Check if you have connected any external devices like USB or Tape drives, etc.


In some scenarios these two drivers may fix the issue, its found under Drivers-Storage:

Dynamic Smart Array B140i Controller Driver
HP ProLiant Smart Array HPCISSS3 Controller Driver


If you have contacted HP support and issue got fixed, do share the solution.




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I am a HP employee.

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Re: Unknown device in G9 server



I have a P440 RAID controller, H241 HBA (For a tape device which is currently disconnected) and a 4-port NIC (331T).


All of these appear to be installed properly though.


I'm in the process of talking with HP support and will update this thread when I know more.





Re: Unknown device in G9 server

For those still interested, HP L2 Engineering came up wiuth the following. It resolves the issue:


  1. Reboot the server, Enter to RBSU (F9)nder the PCI Device Enabled
  2. Enable the Embedded SATA controller
    Enable the Embedded SATA controller #2
  3. Under the SATA controller Options
  4. Enable Dynamic Smart Array RAID Support
  5. Reboot the server to OS.
  6. Install тАЬDynamic Smart Array B140i Controller Driver for Windows 2012 and 2012 R2 x64 EditionsтАЭ Driver - Storage  : Version: Mar 2015) - HERE.
  7. Reboot the server.


