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Working NIC shows "UNKNOWN" in ILO!!

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Working NIC shows "UNKNOWN" in ILO!!

Guys ! 

Server is DL380G9 

Both NIC Adapters are working fine - but are showing "UNKNOWN" in ILO console.   Attaching the relevant screenshot. 

What can be done in this case ? 

( The iLO Firmware is on 2.30 Aug 19 2015 )

Please suggest!!

Honored Contributor

Re: Working NIC shows "UNKNOWN" in ILO!!

If I were you I would seriously consider to upgrade your iLO4 2.30 Firmware to latest 2.40 release and see if the NIC(s) reporting fixes.

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Re: Working NIC shows "UNKNOWN" in ILO!!

Oh yes, I am thinking of following these steps in sequence - 

1. Upgrade/Reinstall the following -

(Read it in one of the forums that this has fixed it for him ) 

HPE ProLiant Agentless Management Service for Windows X64 (American, International)


2.   Second step that can be tried if above doesn’t work is to upgrade ILO Firmware from 2.30 to 2.40

3.    Finally, you can suggest upgrading the SPP of the server depending on the OS compatibility. For Gen9, following is the latest SPP available –



Anything else I can try ?!!

Honored Contributor

Re: Working NIC shows "UNKNOWN" in ILO!!

I'll consider the iLO4 update the very first step do to since the latest 2.40 version fixed some issues NIC(s)-related (read the relevant Release Notes).

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Oscar A. Perez
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Re: Working NIC shows "UNKNOWN" in ILO!!

The solution is shown as a warning on the same screenshot you've posted.  Load the Agentless Management Service. 

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Re: Working NIC shows "UNKNOWN" in ILO!!

Hi, currently, i am facing the same issue. any suggestions? i tried installing the agentless mgt service, it started showing the ports but later when i rebooted the server the AMS gone and port status went unknown once again. i did upgrade the firmware! how did you solve this or was it never resolved?

Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Working NIC shows "UNKNOWN" in ILO!!

>> i did upgrade the firmware!


What version?

Hope this helps!

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those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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Jimmy Vance

Re: Working NIC shows "UNKNOWN" in ILO!!

@Amit_naive wrote:

Hi, currently, i am facing the same issue. any suggestions? i tried installing the agentless mgt service, it started showing the ports but later when i rebooted the server the AMS gone and port status went unknown once again. i did upgrade the firmware! how did you solve this or was it never resolved?

What do you mean AMS gone? did the service not restart after the reboot? Is there anything in the OS logs with error information with AMS?

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Occasional Visitor

Re: Working NIC shows "UNKNOWN" in ILO!!

We have an issue with 12 HP G9 Proliant servers with HPILO - 4

All 12 servers with same versions for firmware,drivers, etc. SPP runnig with SUSE LINUX 12 SP2.

all servers have the same configuration.

HP-AMS is not installed in any of the 12 servers.

Each server has two NIC Cards 

 - Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter

- Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 366T Adapter

All servers (even without HP-AMS) show the status of the ports in HP-ILO  for the NIC card  Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter

Only 2 out of 12 servers show the status for both cards  Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter and Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 366T Adapter (without HP-AMS)

All servers have the latest SPP loaded, same firmware same card, same network configuration.

Why only two servers show status for all cards and the other 10 do not show the staust only the MAC Adress no status for Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 366T Adapter?

We do not what we should do?



Occasional Visitor

Re: Working NIC shows "UNKNOWN" in ILO!!

 I faced to same issues on G9 and G10, HP has no Idea to solve it!

I upgraded the network cards firmwares, ILO firmwares, BIOS Fimwares.

but it didnt solve the issue,

i have 331T, qw972a, 562sfp which shown "unknow" in ILO even after i connected a network cable !


Re: Working NIC shows "UNKNOWN" in ILO!!

Hello @Mahdian,

Thank you for writing to us. 

You might want to consider creating a new topic by utilizing the "New Discussion" button, as this will not only enhance visibility compared to the old topic but also boost your chances of receiving responses from experts.

Sunitha G
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Re: Working NIC shows "UNKNOWN" in ILO!!

Were you able to resolve this ? We are having the same issue