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HPE OEM enables Vital to accelerate time to market for its solutions


Visually accurate and clear medical images help improve patient outcomes. Itโ€™s as simple as that. From reducing recovery time for a knee replacement to saving the life of a critically ill patient, modern 3D and 4D images of anatomy and physiological functions enable doctors to make better diagnoses and, using advanced analytics, determine the optimal course of treatment. Vital Images, a Canon Group company, has been delivering these life-impacting capabilities for more than 30 years.

Using Vitalโ€™s Vitrea Enterprise Imaging solution, radiologists and cardiologists benefit by having vivid images at their fingertips within minutes following a computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan to aid diagnoses. Healthcare IT staff have the tools they need for image orchestration and archiving. And hospital business leaders gain valuable analytics and reporting to help improve utilization of hospital services and facilities. However, the company requires customโ€‘configured servers to run specialized components of its enterprise imaging solution. Demands range from image capture and rendering to image orchestration and data analytics. As an HPE OEM partner, Vital gains quick access to standardized configurations optimized for each type of workload, which enables Vital to accelerate time to market for its solutions.

According to Jeremy Rollie, Director of Operations, Vital Images, โ€œHPE is a very customer-oriented organization thatโ€™s willing to step outside the standard line to meet our unique needs. The HPE OEM program provides us quick turn-around for acquiring servers with the specific configurations we need, which helps accelerate our go-to-market strategyโ€.

For Vital, global technical support is another important advantage of being an HPE OEM partner. As a subsidiary of Canon Group, Vital works with other Canon Group subsidiaries to sell its standardized solutions to customers around the world. Warranty service delivered directly by HPE in-country provides these customers with confidence that these life-critical systems are running at their best. Rollie concludes, โ€œThe biggest thing I can say about HPE is the attention they pay to their customers. Itโ€™s that quick turn-around time on products and service. And the technology is rock-solid. We have some customers that have been running our solutions on HPE servers for five or six years and have never been down. But when itโ€™s needed, the service is phenomenal. HPEโ€™s commitment to us as a customer is the best Iโ€™ve seen in the marketโ€.

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Nabanita Maji
Hewlett Packard Enterprise


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