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Information Technology is now an essential part of Digital healthcare, and here’s why.


Digital health is the convergence of the digital and genomic revolutions with healthcare, living, and society. Equipped with digitally enabled clinical tools, doctors are gaining unprecedented insights into the health of their patients, driving better patient outcomes. This trend is set to continue, with rising compute power, access to vast amounts of health data, and use of Internet of Things (IoT) devices opening new opportunities to improve care.

Information technology is also revolutionizing the overall patient experience, reducing waiting, and improving health outcomes by enabling individuals to manage their own health in a more personalized way. Breakthroughs in fields as diverse as cardiac imaging, patient monitoring, and emergency-room diagnoses rely heavily on IT to gather, process, analyze and deliver data. Whenever an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) designs a medical technology that enables physicians to see inside patients with unprecedented clarity or track their health status remotely around the clock, computing infrastructure plays a major role.

In my opinion, the trends have now matured to the point that computing is essential to each step in the patient journey. From when a patient visits a healthcare professional to after they return home, they interact with IT-enabled clinical tools designed by OEMs to optimize health outcomes. Rather than establishing deep internal IT capabilities, OEMs are more likely to partner with a specialist provider of computing infrastructure and services.

To succeed, OEMs must manage this challenge effectively. For many leading companies, the answer is to partner with an IT provider with a deep understanding of healthcare and a lengthy track record of success in the field. In this heavily regulated healthcare sector, it is critical to have a reliable, consistent partner that understands any changes that could affect certification status and ultimately patient outcomes.

OEMs including GE Healthcare, Cerner, and Philips see Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) OEM Solutions as such a partner. By joining with a specialist provider of IT hardware and services, these companies have secured access to secure, reliable, cutting-edge technology while freeing their teams to focus on executing core competencies and creating innovative solutions to meet the healthcare challenges of today.

Success Stories of HPE OEM Healthcare Partners

Genetic-based therapeutics and the data-intensive and collaborative nature of the life sciences industry requires a transformative digital infrastructure.

GE - Leveraging on-premise and cloud assets

GE partnered with HPE OEM to visualize the beating heart in three dimensions. As a leader in medical imaging, GE was well placed to tackle aspects of this task, such as accelerating the rotation of the scanner. However, in designing a 16 cm detector and cutting the time it takes for the scanner to spin round the patient to 0.28 seconds, GE unleashed a torrent of data only an IT specialist could handle. The management of the data was critical to the project, GE needed to instantly transfer all the data without dropping a byte and run intensive mathematical computations to convert it into 3D images. Without these capabilities, GE’s efforts would have been in vain.

GE responded to the challenge by partnering with HPE OEM, and architected a custom IT solution to pair with the scanner. HPE OEM Solutions deployed the on-premise high-performance platform at the edge, thereby avoiding the latency issues inherent in the network system and help flawlessly store and process data. With 12 GPUs, the system reconstructs 3D images instantly before storing them for future reference.

Philips - Moving To Value-based Healthcare

Working with Philips, HPE OEM Solutions set up networking, services, and servers for the standards-based, interoperable management of patient data and images. The partnership ensures Philips’ IntelliSpace Picture Archiving and Communications System (PACS) runs on secure, scalable, and highly available resource conserving data centers. Philips’ partnership with HPE OEM is about more than just ensuring its PACS works perfectly. In this model, OEMs deliver imaging technologies and data management systems as part of a broader multiyear, managed service relationships with healthcare providers. These relationships give OEMs a starring role in attempts to improve healthcare through linking functions, processes, and patient flow.


Cerner - Enabling a Joined-up Healthcare System

On a macro level, HPE's cloud computing technology enables Cerner to always have the right amount of capacity at its data centers, ensuring a consistent service while controlling costs. But the more direct benefit of the joined-up system manifests on the patient level. Building on HPE's infrastructure, Cerner created an algorithm that analyzes a patient’s health record for possible signs of sepsis, a condition that kills if not treated quickly. From the initial data analysis through to the issuing of alerts to physicians elsewhere in the facility, each step in the lifesaving process relies on joined-up, IT-enabled clinical solutions. Watch how Cerner Corporation and the HPE OEM team are working together to help provide a complete set of solutions and services that enable optimized workflows for hospitals across the globe.

Now is the time for OEMs to explore IT partnerships and position themselves to deliver breakthrough clinical solutions for years to come. Hewlett Packard Enterprise OEM Solutions is enabling the provision of the highest quality healthcare at lower costs. Healthcare OEMs are working with HPE OEM Solutions to build modern, integrated, patient-centric healthcare that improves the care experience for doctors, patients, and caregivers. With 75 years of experience in delivering innovation and digital transformation, HPE OEM has the resources and expertise to accelerate the right outcomes for your healthcare business.

In healthcare, demand for new technology is growing as it ensures automated, closed-loop of a record collection, management, and retrieval. HPE OEM solutions let healthcare workers focus on the patient, exceed the legislative mandates put forth, and ensure better patient outcomes.

Learn how to meet increasing patient demands while accelerating your next innovation at http://www.hpe.com/solutions/oem-healthcare.

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Paul Santilli
Hewlett Packard Enterprise


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Hewlett Packard Enterprise OEM Intelligence & Strategy, Int'l Speaker, Author, Board Member, Managing Director & Advisor