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configure net-snmp's snmpset to use specific port only

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configure net-snmp's snmpset to use specific port only



I am trying to utilize snmpset command in net-snmp installed on HPUX 11.31


when i execute snmpset command to my destination host i get 'Timeout' error, my destination host is configured to listen on port '1234' and is opend in firewall. also in my SET command i'lle be specifying destinatin host and port to be used.

when analized the reason for timeout(no response from destination), it is seen request sent is always having the destinatin host and the port as i expected to send them (which is correct) also source host ip is correct but source port is getting changed dynamically. i suspect this could be the reason for the error where those random ports are not opened in firewall.


then i tried to specify in 'SET' command to use 162 port only in sending the requests, still i see source port is not restricted to 162 but its dynamically changing.


So i need to configure my net-snmp to use only a given port (may be port 162) when sending out requests in snmpset/snmpget.


can you please help in identifying what approach needs to be followed in achiving this requirement.


