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elm (alias use)

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Jim Lewis_8

elm (alias use)

I am using the following syntax:
elm -s "checked in drawing by hand" swe < /tmp/form.6205

I get the following error:
** You appear to have a system alias file built for a different version of the
** Elm system. You'll need to have your administrator rebuild it as root
** using the ``elmalias'' command (no modifications to the file are needed
** --> just invoke `elmalias -q' as user root).

I have invoked that command a half dozen times, no use.

The system is a B2600 class with HP-UX 10.20

Please Help, and thank you!
Just a "Rookie"
A. Clay Stephenson
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: elm (alias use)

Elmalias has been superceded by the newalias command. Man newalias for details.
If it ain't broke, I can fix that.
Jim Lewis_8

Re: elm (alias use)

Perfect! I have removed the elements to elmalias under /var/mail/.elm

I have moved the local aliases under /etc/mail/aliases and used the newaliases command. All is well!

Thanks again!
Just a "Rookie"