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HP-UX 11i v3 OS Fusion version B.11.31.1103 or later

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Santos Vega
Occasional Advisor

HP-UX 11i v3 OS Fusion version B.11.31.1103 or later

Hi all,


I have to upgrade the HBA's driver version to this:


FibrChanl-02 (fclp) Fibre Channel Mass Storage Driver for HP-UX 11i v3
Version Number B.11.31.1109.01


In the driver's release notes, the software that needs to be present is, among others, this:


HP-UX 11i v3 OS Fusion version B.11.31.1103 or later


I don't know what is it; no bundle or product installed match that name. Does anybody know what "HP-UX 11i v3 OS Fusion" is and how to know if it is installed?



James R. Ferguson
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: HP-UX 11i v3 OS Fusion version B.11.31.1103 or later



You can download this from the HP Software Depot:







Santos Vega
Occasional Advisor

Re: HP-UX 11i v3 OS Fusion version B.11.31.1103 or later



Yes, I know,,, but I am asking about this software:


HP-UX 11i v3 OS Fusion version B.11.31.1103 or later


..to know what it is and where I can get it from.



Honored Contributor

Re: HP-UX 11i v3 OS Fusion version B.11.31.1103 or later

I'm pretty sure it just means a March 2011 (or newer) release of HP-UX 11iv3. Other than the different wording, the requirements seem to be essentially the same as in the previous FibrChanl-02 driver version.

As far as I know, there is no such product as "HP-UX 11iv3 OS Fusion".


I've seen HP use the term "fusion release" before, for example: "the December 2006 fusion release of HP-UX 11iv1".


Perhaps some HP employee might enlighten us:

  • Is the term "fusion release" a HP internal jargon term, as I've understood it to be?
  • Does it have a more specific meaning than "a particular semi-yearly release of a given HP-UX version"?

By comparision, the August 2011 Release Notes document for 11.31 FibrChanl-02 version B.11.31.1103 (HP part number 5900-1868)  says "The March 2011 update of HP-UX 11i v3 (B.11.31.1103) must be installed for all supported Emulex-based Fibre Channel cards." Then it lists the minimum version requirements for CommonIO and OnlineDiag.


The September 2011 Release Notes Santos is talking about (HP part number 5900-1860) omits the sentence similar to the one quoted above, and adds a requirement for "HP-UX 11i v3 OS Fusion version B.11.31.1103 or later" in the bulleted list that also includes the CommonIO and OnlineDiag version requirements.


Since the requirements are otherwise exactly the same, I would assume these are just two ways to express the same thing. I would guess this is an unfortunate slip-up on the part of the documentation writer.

Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: HP-UX 11i v3 OS Fusion version B.11.31.1103 or later

>    Is the term "fusion release" a HP internal jargon term, as I've understood it to be?
>    Does it have a more specific meaning than "a particular semi-yearly release of a given HP-UX version"?


I means an update to the base OS release:


See the "Update Releases" tab.


>I would guess this is an unfortunate slip-up on the part of the documentation writer.


It does appear that google finds lots of matches for fusion, even excluding Oracle.

Santos Vega
Occasional Advisor

Re: HP-UX 11i v3 OS Fusion version B.11.31.1103 or later

Thank you all for your help !


Best Regards,

Honored Contributor

Re: HP-UX 11i v3 OS Fusion version B.11.31.1103 or later

Hmm... what would then be the proper term for a release that has no base OS updates, just an updated media kit to include the latest Quality Pack, HWE patchset and/or other stuff? Or is such a release simply omitted?


I know only too well the problem of keeping terminology straight: on a certain rather complex HA system with a lot of small Java and other components from various sources, we had to set up a little dictionary for listing all the various names different people used to refer to various things, and the relationships between things. Back then I was still a newbie in enterprise-level system administration, and the senior colleagues questioned the need for such a dictionary; but a few years and quite a few nightly operations later (both scheduled and on-call, with persons of varying levels of familiarity with the total system) I got thanks for making it, because it made it easier for all the parties to understand each other.


Of course, this was in a GSM telecom environment, which was/is particularly rich in TLAs*) and ETLAs**).



*) Three-Letter Acronym.

**) Extended Three-Letter Acronym.

Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: HP-UX 11i v3 OS Fusion version B.11.31.1103 or later

>what would then be the proper term for a release that has no base OS updates, just an updated media kit to include the latest Quality Pack, HWE patchset and/or other stuff?


Some made up German word using all of those above English words?  ;-)  But it wouldn't be a update.

Do you have a URL with or mentioning such a beast?

Santos Vega
Occasional Advisor

Re: HP-UX 11i v3 OS Fusion version B.11.31.1103 or later



By the way, I need now to find the different releases for HP-UX 11i v2, but I am only able to find HP-UX 11i v3. Does anybody know the link to see these releases? For installing HBAs drivers I need "HP-UX 11i v2 Update 3" and what I have is:


HPUX11i-OE            B.11.23.0609   HP-UX Foundation Operating Environment Component

QPKAPPS               B.11.23.1006.084a Applications Patches for HP-UX 11i v2, June 2010
QPKBASE               B.11.23.1006.084a Base Quality Pack Bundle for HP-UX 11i v2, June 2010


Do I meet this requirement?


Best Regards,

Honored Contributor

Re: HP-UX 11i v3 OS Fusion version B.11.31.1103 or later


No, I was just curious. If every release is an update release, I think it's kind of redundant to qualify it.


It seems that "fusion" or "fusion release" has turned up now and then in HP-UX documentation. For example, see the page title (typically in the browser's title bar) and the sub-title in the red stripe on this page from 2006:



Edit: It seems Santos just provided an example of the kind of things I would prefer avoided. From his swlist output, I see his HP-UX 11iv2 is installed with the September 2006 release. If the Update numbering were applied to 11v2 like it apparently it applies to 11iv3, the Initial Release was in October 2003, so March 2004 would be Update 1, September 2004 would be Update 2, and May(!) 2005 would be Update 3. But the Release Notes of any 11iv2 update release don't use the Update numbering at all, so it looks like the Update numbers are not official with 11iv2 - or at least, haven't been official until now?


The documented way to refer to HP-UX 11iv2 update releases has been by calendar-based names, and the "HP-UX 11i Releases and Release Identifiers" page on the 11iv2 Release Notes explicitly confirms that.

The Release Notes can be found at:


Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: HP-UX 11i v3 OS Fusion version B.11.31.1103 or later

>No, I was just curious. If every release is an update release, I think it's kind of redundant to qualify it.


I found these words here:



Note: December 2010 HP-UX software update was for Support Pack ONLY

This may match what you saw?


>The documented way to refer to HP-UX 11iv2 update releases has been by calendar-based names


Yes.  And for 11.31, they have a list of all Updates with their time frames.