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SEGV_MAPERR - Address not mapped to object

Reinhard Stockinger
New Member

SEGV_MAPERR - Address not mapped to object

Hello, I'm porting my application from PARISC2.0 to IA64.
I'm using the apache-axis distribution and allready compiled and testet parts of the package. But now when I use the axis_client lib I get this runtime error.
Here's the bt:

#0 0x60000000d6f99e10:0 in axiscpp::Call::openConnection (this=0x40012980)
at Call.cpp:403
#1 0x60000000d6f8f520:0 in axiscpp::Call::initialize (this=0x40012980,
nStyle=axiscpp::CPP_RPC_PROVIDER) at Call.cpp:172
#2 0x60000000caca3a90:0 in GeneralEvents::progress (this=0x4002ab00,
Value0=0x40022e0 "rO0ABXNyAC1vcmcuamJvc3MucHJveHkuZWpiLmhhbmRsZS5TdGF0ZWZ1bEhhbmRsZUltcGyoOsnhxOAQXAIAB0kACm9iamVjdE5hbWVMAAJpZHQAEkxqYXZhL2xhbmcvT2JqZWN0O0wAB2ludm9rZXJ0AB5Mb3JnL2pib3NzL2ludm9jYXRpb24vSW52b2tlcjtMAAlp"...,
Value1=0x4002490 "49C010AFD392120422630FA6C29E850D",
Value2=0x40024c0 "testfull", Value3=0, Value4=0x40024d0 "JUHU")
at GeneralEvents.cpp:136
#3 0x4003660:0 in main (No.Identifier_0=1, No.Identifier_1=0x7fffec00)
at test.cpp:15

info shared

Shared Object Libraries
tstart tend dstart dend
0x60000000c0010000 0x60000000c009d6c0 0x200000007eff7000 0x200000007effbd40
0x60000000caca0000 0x60000000caca6610 0x200000007eff4000 0x200000007eff4228
0x60000000c0e3c000 0x60000000c0fd2c00 0x200000007efe4000 0x200000007efefb38
0x60000000c080f000 0x60000000c085d480 0x200000007efda000 0x200000007efdf890
0x60000000c009e000 0x60000000c013a4d0 0x200000007efd7000 0x200000007efd95d8
0x60000000c05ca000 0x60000000c071c0c0 0x200000007efd6000 0x200000007efd6c88
0x60000000c0a61000 0x60000000c0ab4310 0x200000007efd5000 0x200000007efd59e0
0x60000000c013b000 0x60000000c03c09a0 0x200000007efc1000 0x200000007efd2128
0x60000000c03c1000 0x60000000c03c4ed0 0x200000007efd4000 0x200000007efd4150
0x60000000d6e38000 0x60000000d727d080 0x200000007efaf000 0x200000007efbbaa8
0x60000000c0ab5000 0x60000000c0abcaf0 0x200000007efd3000 0x200000007efd3150
0x60000000c0a60000 0x60000000c0a60304 0x200000007efc0000 0x200000007efc0018
0x60000000c0abd000 0x60000000c0c72e70 0x200000007ef92000 0x200000007efa5bc8
0x60000000cf44a000 0x60000000cf4bf880 0x200000007ef89000 0x200000007ef8b6b0
0x60000000d9168000 0x60000000d9d042a0 0x200000007ef30000 0x200000007ef88240
0x60000000c03d5000 0x60000000c04cc2c0 0x200000007ef10000 0x200000007ef1de70
0x60000000c04cd000 0x60000000c04fb250 0x200000007ef0d000 0x200000007ef0f420
0x60000000cf4c0000 0x60000000cf509390 0x200000007efac000 0x200000007efaca88
Total of 18 shared libraries.

I found out that m_pTransport was initialized by the Call::Call, but after that, then there's a Call::openConnection and if I print the m_pTransport Object I get:
m_pTransport= (class axiscpp::SOAPTransport *) 0x4002ab50
(gdb) print *m_pTransport
Error accessing memory address 0x2000000068747460: Bad address.

Any Ideas?
Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: SEGV_MAPERR - Address not mapped to object

What is m_pTransport? A member of Call?

Where is this print: m_pTransport= 0x4002ab50
Where is this print: print *m_pTransport

You can put a hardware watchpoint on m_pTransport to see who changes it.
Reinhard Stockinger
New Member

Re: SEGV_MAPERR - Address not mapped to object

I'll try to explain:

I create a Object called GeneralEvents which is inherited from Stub.

Stub has a Member from type Call *m_pCall

when I generate GeneralEvents:

GeneralEvents *proxy = new GeneralEvents("http://xxx/webserviceurl", APTHTTP1_1);

the constructor calls the Stub constructor:

GeneralEvents::GeneralEvents(const char* pchEndpointUri, AXIS_PROTOCOL_TYPE eProtocol)
:Stub(pchEndpointUri, eProtocol)

thats the Stub constructor

Stub::Stub (const char *pcEndPointUri, AXIS_PROTOCOL_TYPE eProtocol):
m_pcUsername (NULL),
m_pcPassword (NULL)
m_pCall = new Call ();
m_pCall->setProtocol (eProtocol);
m_pCall->setEndpointURI (pcEndPointUri);
m_pTransport = m_pCall->getTransport ();

// Initialise m_viCurrentSOAPMethodAttribute to something sensible
// in case getFirstSOAPMethodAttribute isn't called first.
m_viCurrentSOAPMethodAttribute = m_vSOAPMethodAttributes.begin ();

The Stub Class holds a pointer of m_pTransport too.
Let's see what m_pCall->getTransport (); returns:
the Call constructor generates the m_pTransport Object:

m_pTransport = NULL;
m_nTransportType = APTHTTP1_1;
m_pTransport = SOAPTransportFactory::getTransportObject(m_nTransportType);

that's getTransportObject:

SOAPTransport* SOAPTransportFactory::getTransportObject(AXIS_PROTOCOL_TYPE eProtocol)
SOAPTransport* pTpt = NULL;
return pTpt;

and now there's this mysterios m_Create which takes a SOAPTransport **

m_Create is defined like this:

static CREATE_OBJECT1 m_Create;

and I only found out this typedef about CREATE_OBJECT1

typedef int (* CREATE_OBJECT1) (SOAPTransport** inst);

Anyway, after starting this testprogramm, and after generating GeneralEvents I get This for m_pTransport (both in the Call, and in the Stub class):

(gdb) print proxy->m_pTransport
$1 = (class axiscpp::SOAPTransport *) 0x4002ab50
(gdb) print *proxy->m_pTransport
Error accessing memory address 0x2000000068747460: Bad address.
(gdb) print *proxy->m_pCall->m_pTransport
Error accessing memory address 0x2000000068747460: Bad address.
(gdb) print proxy->m_pCall->m_pTransport
$2 = (class axiscpp::SOAPTransport *) 0x4002ab50

This works on PARISC2.0 but not on Itanium

Hope someone can understand what I mean...

Reinhard Stockinger
New Member

Re: SEGV_MAPERR - Address not mapped to object

ok, found it out for myself:
the Factory class generates a Object and calls a method which is'nt in the generatees Object, causes to call the destructor.... (there's a little mess with function ptr in the code...) but I used the axis3 library for this (which was the buggy one) now I use the axis2 libs and it works fine... nevermind my panic-call ;-)
Reinhard Stockinger
New Member

Re: SEGV_MAPERR - Address not mapped to object

I use the old lib
Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: SEGV_MAPERR - Address not mapped to object

(gdb) print proxy->m_pTransport
$1 = (class axiscpp::SOAPTransport*) 0x4002ab50
(gdb) print *proxy->m_pTransport
Error accessing memory address 0x2000000068747460: Bad address.

Hmm. I would expect the second print to mention that 0x4002ab50 has a bad address, not 0x2000000068747460. Though perhaps it is trying to format the class? You may find it with:
x /20x 0x4002ab50

What versions of aCC6 and gdb are you using?