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Re: Spurious PPM failure messages on DL 380 G5


Spurious PPM failure messages on DL 380 G5

We had a power supply failure in one our Proliant DL380 G5. The power supply was replaced and the system ran fine for about four days and then we had a PPM failure reported for CPU 2. Replaced PPM. Got the same error next day!. Suspected bad parts, so ordered another PPM, but the system failed with the same problem? Swapped PPM 1 with PPM 2, but still getting PPM 2 error reported and system shuts down. This is costing us a lot of money and I am not sure what to do next. I am reluctant to order parts and try to fix this on a trial and error basis, specially as we have to pay for all the parts.! I hate to think that we need a new system board. Also, raised a support call with HP and as the system is out of warranty, got the standard template email back which is near to useless to me and doesnтАЩt really help. These are not cheap systems, so I would have expected them to be a bit more reliable?

Has anyone else experienced a similar issue? Looking forward to your advise, Thank you Farhad
Honored Contributor

Re: Spurious PPM failure messages on DL 380 G5

This is something like a known power supply issue as far as I remember. Someone may guide you further if it's a PSU revision issue or just a general PSU failure.
Check the below thread, although for another server model, they are using the same pwoer supplies:

Re: Spurious PPM failure messages on DL 380 G5

Thank you for your advise. I checked the links , but I don't believe that our issue is similar. Our system boots up and run for a few hours before failing with PPM errors?. In the meantime I managed to talk to someone from HP support and they advise me that based on symptoms, the system board is the likely suspect. We now have one on order. I'll let you how we get on. Farhad

Re: Spurious PPM failure messages on DL 380 G5

Replacing the system board seems to have resolved our issue. Thank you Farhad

Re: Spurious PPM failure messages on DL 380 G5

Replaced the system board.