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LTO-8 drive Installation trouble on Win11 - ASPI

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LTO-8 drive Installation trouble on Win11 - ASPI

LTO-8 30750 internal tape drive, connected to ATTO Technology ExpressSAS H1280GT controller, with latest ATTO and HPE drivers, firmware N4Q1.  Drive works fine in an enclosure on Mac side.  On Win11Pro, when I launch HPE L&TT Install Check, I immediately get the error:

"ASPI support is either not installed, or the installed ASPI support it too old..."

Elsewhere, I found documentation indicating I could choose not to install ASPI with LTT, but there were no such options given at time of install.  Drive will not post, I believe on account of this issue.

Thanks in advance,



Re: LTO-8 drive Installation trouble on Win11 - ASPI

Hello Andrew,

I understand. The spare part# comes into picture when the support team replaces it with the original drive. So Kindly log a support call using the following link. Make sure to provide us with the purchase invoice at the time of request.

Hope this helps. 

[Moderator edit: Updated the broken link.]

I'm an HPE employee.
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Senior Member

Re: LTO-8 drive Installation trouble on Win11 - ASPI

Hi - I’m unable to log a support call because it says I need a contract. That’s the point of the call - please tell me how I contact support without having a contract.
Frequent Advisor

Re: LTO-8 drive Installation trouble on Win11 - ASPI

have you tried opening LTT in administrator.

ASPI isnt really a thing anymore, its now SPTI.


Re: LTO-8 drive Installation trouble on Win11 - ASPI

Yes, I have.  I can get in, but nothing is 'blue' so apparently nothing I can change.


Re: LTO-8 drive Installation trouble on Win11 - ASPI

Hello @Tranby-College,

Thank you for posting! Since you have posted in an old topic and there is no response yet, I would recommend you create a new topic using the create "New Discussion" button, so the experts can check and assist you further. 

Sunitha G
I'm an HPE employee.
[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]
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Re: LTO-8 drive Installation trouble on Win11 - ASPI

Hello @AH7 

Let us know which version of LTT are you trying to install ? I am attaching the link for the latest version. Do try and let us know the outcome.


I'm an HPE employee.
[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise] Accept or Kudo

Re: LTO-8 drive Installation trouble on Win11 - ASPI

Thanks everyone for your replies.  It turns out that the tapes were labelled incorrectly, they were initially then redone which changed them from LTO-5 to LTO-8, but still didn't work.   Redid the labels, and the backup now works as intended.
